Letter to the Editor: Cap and trade role

By Sara Cate
Yakima Herald
March 11, 2009

Cap and trade role

To the editor — I believe the Feb. 15 editorial, “It’s best to leave this to the feds,” really missed the mark. It is precisely because of our state’s uniquely clean electricity from hydropower that we must lead the way on cap and trade, to make sure our interests at the national level are protected and Washington’s innovation is properly rewarded.

Last year, Washingtonians spent over $16 billion importing fossil fuels into our state, much more than the state’s current budget deficit. I commend Gov. Chris Gregoire and certain legislators for looking at legislation like HB 1819 and SB 5735 that will keep these dollars invested in Washington communities and businesses by limiting global warming pollution and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.

And when it comes to national politics, as they say you’re either at the table or you’re on the menu — I’d much rather see Washington with a seat at the table shaping the national debate on global warming rather than having it forced upon us from powerful Southern coal states. I urge Reps. Charles Ross and Norm Johnson and Sen. Curtis King to support the governor’s cap and invest bill and to help Washington keep those $16 billion right here in our economy.



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