Taking care of the Earth from a religious perspective

By Dave Ross
News Radio 710 KIRO
May 31, 2007

“This is the Dave Ross Show on News Radio 710 KIRO….Coming up in this hour we’re going to talk about taking care of the Earth from a religious perspective. Religious environmentalism is the new thing. In fact, there is going to be an interfaith creation festival going on here in town. That would sound like something to do with intelligent design, but it actually has to do with the environment and your obligation, especially if you believe in God, to protect it. In fact we have in the study today Rabbi Lawrence Troster and LeeAnne Beres who are both participating in this. Rabbi Troster is the rabbinic scholar in residence for Green Faith in New Jersey and LeeAnne is with Earth Ministry, an ecumenical Christian organization dedicated to stewardship of the Earth….”

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