Community Members and Senator Merkley Urge FERC To Deny GTN XPress Fracked Gas Project at a “People’s Hearing”

Grassroots organizations staged their own hearing on TC Energy’s proposed fracked gas expansion in the Northwest.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 14, 2023

Media Contacts:
Byron Kimball, Mixte Communications, 619-732-0789 x297
Dan Serres, Columbia Riverkeeper: 503-890-2441
Maig Tinnin, Rogue Climate: 541-852-2496

Medford, Ore. (February 14, 2023)— Grassroots organizations held a public hearing that gave residents of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia a chance to share their concerns about the proposed expansion of the GTN XPress pipeline expansion project. Overwhelmingly, those participating in the project called on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to deny the project. 

Senator Jeff Merkley participated in the event, highlighting the reasons why Oregon’s U.S. Senators Merkley and Wyden recently condemned the project for “risk[ing] the safety of frontline communities and the planet.” Over 150 people participated in the event, joining with thousands of others and dozens of organizations who have opposed the project.

“Oregon is a leader in the fight against climate chaos, and the GTN XPress project would only undermine these critical efforts, which is why I oppose the expansion and am urging FERC to do the same,” said Senator Merkley. “Expanding methane gas production locks in more pollution and worsens climate chaos. We’re already facing increasing challenges from climate chaos, including terrifying megafires, blankets of smoke, and record drought that’s pummeling our agricultural economy. Rather than helping Americans, the GTN XPress would support a market for dirty fossil gas overseas. This project is incompatible with the climate goals we need to hit to save our farming, our fishing, and our forests, and I strongly encourage FERC to listen to the concerns of Oregonians. We have other safer, cleaner, and more sustainable alternatives.”

The GTN XPress proposal would increase compression on the existing GTN pipeline by expanding compressor stations in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. The Attorneys General of Oregon, Washington, and California have urged FERC to deny the proposal, explaining that GTN XPress would hinder the region’s ability to meet greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. 

People from across the Pacific Northwest weighed in during the People’s Hearing, calling on FERC to reject GTN XPress.

“FERC failed to hold a hearing on this controversial proposal to push more fracked gas through an aging pipeline. So, our communities held one ourselves. The verdict was clear: FERC should deny GTN XPress,” said Maig Tinnin, Rogue Valley Coordinator for Rogue Climate. “People all over the Northwest oppose TC Energy’s plan to expand fracked gas in our region, where we are working hard to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.”

“Faith communities in Spokane and across Washington state know that fracked gas is not faithful, and that it is immoral to expand the amount of gas that already runs dangerously through our neighbors’ backyards,” said Naghmana Sherazi, Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light board member. “As a Muslim, it is incumbent upon me to take care of my neighbors and my community, which includes the earth.” 

Elke and Alysia Littleleaf, members of the Warm Springs Tribe and fishing guides on the Deschutes River, highlighted the problems of pipeline expansion increasing the impacts of climate change and safety risks through the area where they live and work. “We can’t sit back and act like nothing is going on when there is a pipeline expansion trying to slip in,” said Alysia Littleleaf.

From British Columbia, Peter McCartney of the Wilderness Committee highlighted the potential for the GTN XPress Project to expand fracking, with the potential to spur more than 650 new fracked gas wells by 2050.

“There are overwhelming public safety, climate, and environmental justice concerns with this project,” said Audrey Leonard, Staff Attorney for Columbia Riverkeeper. “Our communities have been loud and clear—there is no need for more fracked gas in the Northwest.” 
