Thanking Senators for Salmon Funding

Senators Cantwell and Murray and the Northwest delegation recently secured nearly $3 billion in federal funding for imperiled salmon and community investments. In response, Earth Ministry/WAIPL joined with coalition partners to run newspaper ads that thank the senators and ask for their continued leadership in restoring a free-flowing Lower Snake River.

We are thanking the Senators as this is an important step forward and calling them to do we know what we need to do next. Restoring a freely-flowing lower Snake River by removing four dams is the biggest and best step we can take to protect its salmon and steelhead from extinction and rebuild abundant populations.

Join us in spreading this message by sharing this ad from Earth Ministry/WAIPL’s Facebook post!

This campaign is supported by the following organizations:

Association of Northwest Steelheaders, Coastal Trollers Association, Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light, Endangered Species Coalition, Environment Washington, Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Idaho Rivers United, National Wildlife Federation, Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment, Northwest Guides and Anglers Association, Northwest Sportfishing Industry Association, Orca Conservancy, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, Save Our wild Salmon Coalition, Sierra Club, Spokane Riverkeeper, The Wave Foundation, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Whale Scout, Wild Steelhead Coalition