Spring 2018 Earth Letter

Water plays an essential role in the faith of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Throughout the Torah, Bible, and Qur’an, water is seen as a scarce and treasured substance for both secular and religious purposes. As a central foundation in all three Abrahamic traditions, the sacredness of water provides common ground for a shared ethic of protection. Water is also sacred to Northwest Native tribes, many of whom see water as a central component of their identity. In the words of the Puyallup Tribe, “For thousands of years, the Puyallup River and coasts of the Puget Sound have sustained our way of life by giving to us the salmon, shellfish, wild game, roots, berries, and cedar trees that are the foundation of our culture, traditions, and heritage.” However, proposed fossil fuel projects in the Salish Sea are putting water quality and the health of our communities at risk. The Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline terminating in Vancouver, British Columbia, would drastically increase oil tanker traffic in inland waters. Puget Sound Energy’s proposed liquefied natural gas project (LNG) on Tacoma’s Tideflats poses a serious threat to Puget Sound and city residents. And a massive methanol plant on the banks of the Columbia River in Kalama, Washington, would use five million gallons of water per day and emit five times more toxic air pollution than state guidelines. Faith communities are partnering with Native nations, environmental activists, and local citizens to stop these fossil fuel projects and protect our sacred waters. Earth Ministry invites you to respond to God’s generous gift of life-giving waters by joining us in the fight.

Articles include:

  • A Movement Moment – Victoria Leistman
  • Water Is Life – Earth Ministry Staff: Leda Zakarison
  • For the Sake of the Snake – Rev. Liv Larson Andrews
  • By the Waters – Protecting and Restoring God’s Gift of Water –  adapted from Earth Ministry resource written by LeeAnne Beres, Beth Norcross, and Jenny Gilbert
  • Paddle Pilgrim: An Adventure of Spirit and Discovery Kayaking the Mississippi River – Rev. David Ellingson
  • The Salish Sea Is a Gift from a Generous Creator – Jessie Dye

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