The 2024 Earth Day theme is “Planet vs. Plastic.” It is a huge theme and an even larger battle, the outcome, of which is far from known. We at Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light have decided to use Earth Day as an opportunity to explore microplastic pollution, particularly its presence in Washington State. It is a ubiquitous, intractable problem and there are no easy solutions for addressing it. However, address it we must, and to do this, we will need to work together and tackle it on multiple front.
EM/WA IPL’s part is mobilizing people of faith and conscience to help change laws, policies, and regulations that govern it, to help educate communities and individuals about the issue and how they can help.
You might be visiting this page because you received our Earth Day letter and decided to take us up on our offer to review the research we consulted. Or, maybe, you have come here having seen our posts on Facebook and Instagram your curiosity was piqued. Or perhaps you find yourself here just because.