2022 Washington State Legislative Session Wrap Up

March 10 marked the end of the 2022 Washington State Legislative Session, and it was quite a whirlwind! This year was a short session, meaning bills had just 60 days to make it through the legislature. While our three priority bills did not pass in this short timeframe, several of the other bills we supported are on their way to the Governor’s desk to become laws!

Bills that passed

 SB 5042: Growth Management Act – Sprawl Loophole
Protects our wildlands, ecosystems, and communities by removing a loophole in the Growth Management Act (GMA) that allows urban sprawl. Closing this loophole will ensure that controversial land use changes are reviewed by the Growth Management Hearings Board before going into effect. 

HB 1694: Accelerate PFAS Protections
Moves up timelines for the Department of Ecology to limit toxic PFAS chemicals in consumer products under the Safer Products for WA program. This win will accelerate Earth Ministry/WAIPL’s ongoing advocacy for toxic chemical reform!  

SB 5974, SB 5975: Move Ahead WA Transportation Package
The legislature passed a transportation package that will fund transit operations, make transit fare-free for riders under 18, and improve walking, rolling, and cycling infrastructure in communities across the state. While this package demonstrates important and historic progress in providing funding for accessible public transit and a transition away from fossil fuels, it also funds highway expansion that will induce more driving and create more pollution in overburdened communities. 

Earth Ministry/WAIPL followed the leadership of Front & Centered in response to the Move Ahead WA package this legislative session. We encourage you to read Front and Centered’s response to Move Ahead WA and learn more about their vision for a just transition in transportation that is anchored in environmental justice. 

Top Priorities

Our three priority bills were ambitious environmental justice efforts that would have introduced historic protections across the state. It’s not uncommon for bills to take several sessions to pass after first being introduced. This session laid the groundwork for multi-year efforts to pass these bills. 

SB 5727/HB 1838: Lorraine Loomis Act for Salmon Recovery
Provides habitat protection and restoration to recover salmon populations in Washington by increasing the focus on salmon recovery in land use planning for the future, with important financial assistance, monitoring, and accountability to address the urgency of the salmon crisis. Importantly, this bill was created in collaboration with Northwest Native Nations. While the bill didn’t pass, the supplemental budget does include a significant investment of more than $120 million to improve salmon habitat.

HB 1490: Energy for All
Establishes access to home energy as a basic need and an essential resource that should be available in full dignity without uncertainty about affordability and threats of disconnection. Equitable energy access is a crucial component to a just transition off fossil fuels and we’re grateful to our partners at Front and Centered for leading on this legislation.

SB 5697: Renew Act 
Modernizes Washington’s recycling system to reduce waste by creating a set of graduated fees on packaging manufacturers based on how readily reusable, compostable, or recyclable their products are. The final budget does include a $150,000 recycling rate study to assess what materials are actually being recycled and the risks to our health and environment due to contamination. 

Visit Earth Ministry/WAIPL’s legislative webpage to learn more about all of the bills we supported this year. If you feel inspired by all we accomplished together, please consider donating here to support Earth Ministry/WAIPL’s year-round faithful advocacy. Thank you for following along with Earth Ministry/WAIPL to advocate for environmental justice in the state legislature this year. Our community’s values-based message made a difference and we will continue to carry it forward together in our ongoing campaigns on toxics, salmon, fossil fuels, and climate change! 

Earth Ministry/WAIPL Program & Outreach Director Sr. Jessica Zimmerle speaks at JUUstice Washington’s 2022 Legislative Session Wrap-Up session on 3/26/22

Featured image photo credit: Oly Cherry Blossoms – WA State House Republicans