50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth
Author: The Earth Works Group.
Publisher: Earthworks Press (1989)
Most of the 50 Things covered here are unbelievably easy. They are the kind of things you would do anyway to save money — if you knew how much you could save. Now you do; the Earthworks Group has done your legwork for you. At the very least, this book shows you how to use energy more intelligently. Don’t shiver in the dark; just make sure you’re getting as much comfort and convenience as possible from every dollar you spend on electricity, natural gas, and gasoline.
50 Ways You Can Help Save the Planet
Authors: Aeschliman, Gordon and Tony Campolo.
Publisher: InterVarsity Press, 1992
A gift to us from God, our planet is rich in beauty and resources. But today it is also in danger from neglect and exploitation, and its only hope for recovery lies with us. This Christian perspective on environmental issues presents small- to large-scale suggestions for action and lists sources of more information, including addresses.
101 Ways to Help Save the Earth with Fifty-two Weeks of Congregational Activities to Save the Earth
Produced by the Eco-Justice Working Group of the NCCC, care of the United Methodist Church’s (UMC) General Board of Church and Society. This guide examines the many ways that our current lifestyle contributes to the global environmental crisis. The first part of this guide explains the greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, and acid rain. The Citizen’s Guide then lists 101 simple steps which each of us can take to help avert these potential disasters.
A Heron’s Balance
Author: Cathy Barker
Publisher: Infinity Publishing.com
A Heron’s Balance tracks one person’s search for wholeness. Still grieving the sudden death of his beloved wife, Jack Freeman finds himself at loose ends. He sets off for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness where, with the help of his progressive pastor and mentor, he seeks healing and balance… Through the power of God’s creation and connection with God’s creatures (human and otherwise), Jack is transformed.
Purchase from Amazon: A Heron’s Balance
A Place in Creation: Ecological Visions in Science, Religion, and Economics
Author: Hallman, David G.
Publisher: United Church Publishing House, 1992.
Is there hope for the future of the Earth? David Hallman answers with a resounding yes. Hallman explores exciting new concepts in the field of science, religious, and economics — concepts that have the power to transform our understanding of our relationship to the rest of Creation. He reveals how intrinsically connected humans are to the whole ecosystem; how God wills a harmonious relationship between ourselves and the rest of Creation; and how our economy could be restructured to function in a less destructive relationship with the environment. Finally, he assesses political realities that could constrain or facilitate movement towards a more sustainable type of society.
Available on Amazon: A Place in Creation: Ecological Visions in Science, Religion, and Economics
A Sea Change: Imagine a World Without Fish
Imagine a world without fish. It’s a terrifying idea, and worst of all, it’s happening right now. A Sea Change follows retired history teacher and grandfather Sven Huseby on his quest to discover what is happening to the world’s oceans. His journey takes him to Alaska, California, Washington, and Norway as he uncovers a worldwide crisis that most people are unaware of. Speaking with oceanographers, marine biologists, climatologists, and artists, Sven discovers that global warming is only half the story of the environmental catastrophe that is unfolding.
A disturbing and essential companion piece to An Inconvenient Truth, A Sea Change brings home the indisputable fact that our lifestyle is changing the earth, despite our wishful thinking. Niijii Films, 83 minutes, 2009.
Advent and Ecology: Resources for Worship, Reflection and Action
Author: Palmer, Martin and Anne Nash, Editors.
Publisher: World Wide Fund for Nature, 1988
Affluenza: The Cost of High Living
An excellent video — lively, engaging, and humorous, it highlights environmental, social, community, and spiritual costs of consumption. A significant portion of Affluenza focuses on a Christian response to over-consumerism. About an hour long, the video comes with a guide for group discussion. To order call (800) 937-5387; produced by public TV station KCTS in Seattle.
After Earth Day: Continuing the Conservation Effort
Editor: Oelschlaeger, Max.
Publisher: Univ of North Texas Pr; 1st edition (August 1992)
This collection of 16 often-stimulating essays on the polities, science and philosophy of conservation grew out of a 1991 conference held at the University of North Texas. Oelsehlaeger (The Idea of Wilderness) ends the book by suggesting that, in our current culture, religion is fundamental to solving ecological crises.
After the Warming; Episode One
Catalog #: VEM 003 Production: VHS. 55 min. Format: Documentary Audience: General
James Burke explores various warming scenarios for the year 2050 using the “virtual reality computer model.” He shows how life on earth has always been altered by changing weather patterns.
Americans and Climate Change: Closing the Gap Between Science and Action
Author: Daniel R. Abbasi
Publisher: Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, 2006
This book is a synthesis of insights and recommendations from the 2005 Yale F&ES Conference on Climate Change.
Amish, The; A People of Preservation
Catalog #: VEM 057 Production: VHS. 54 minutes. Gateway Films, Vision Video
Format: Documentary Audience: General
Authentic vignettes of Amish origins, farm life, childhood, school, worship, recreation, courtship, barn raising, horse transportation, and the impact of tourism.
An Unnatural Order: Uncovering the Roots of Our Domination of Nature
Author: Mason, Jim.
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, 1993
Mason here writes an eloquent, important plea for a total rethinking of our relationship to the animal world. He analyzes the West’s “dominionist” worldview which exalts humans as overlords and owners of other life, an outlook that he believes is rooted in millennia of animal husbandry. Speculating that dominionism arose with the transition from ancient mother-goddess religions to patriarchy, he ambitiously links our current exploitation and domination of nature to fears of our own animal nature, repressive antisexual attitudes, misogyny, curtailment of women’s power, racism and colonialism. Human brains and thought processes evolved through close contact with animals, Mason argues, and restoring our kinship with animals is central to bridging the rift between humanity and nature. His powerfully argued manifesto will change many readers’ attitudes toward hamburgers, animal experimentation, hunting and circuses.
And God Saw That It Was Good
Author: Carretto, Carlo.
Publisher: Orbis Books, 1990
An exploration of what it means to affirm the goodness of creation in the light of evils of history and the suffering of the innocent. In his characteristic style – at once poetic, joyful and profoundly moving – his words become a conversation between God and all of humankind.
First, Carretto speaks as he imagines God would in addressing his children, telling them the story of his love for all his creatures and calling men and women to greater faith, hope, and love. Next, Carretto assumes a number of voices, human beings telling God their stories, their struggles, their hopes. finally, Carretto invites the reader to join the conversation through a seven-day cycle of prayer based on Scripture readings. “It is never a mistake to pray,” he says, “and I’m convinced that nothing can resist the power of prayer.”
Written during Carretto’s final illness, “And God Saw That It Was Good” is a fitting testimony to a life lived in faithfulness.
And I, Francis: The Life of Francis of Assisi in Word and Image
Author: Dunlap, Lauren Glen and illus. by Kathleen Fruge-Brown
Publisher: Continuum Publishing Company, 1996
Through both paintings and words, writer Dunlop and illustrator Fruge-Brown allow Francis to “share” his own stories through his eyes and narration. The device works. The book is divided into seven chapters, each with an illustration and story from a part of Francis’s life?giving the leper alms, renouncing his material possessions, cutting St. Clare’s hair, receiving the stigmata. Dunlap notes, in an afterword, that her text was inspired by Fruge-Brown’s powerful illustrations of Francis’s life. The artwork is strong, conveying a sense of the mystical, making for a beautiful book that will remain for a long, long time in the minds and hearts of readers.
Animal Rights; Lecture and Discussion by Andrew Linsey
Catalog #: VEM 013 Production: VHS. 1 hour, 50 minutes. October 1989.
Format: Lecture/Presentation Audience: Adults
Dr. Andrew Linsey, British animal rights activist, discusses attitudes toward animals from a Christian perspective. Lecture at St. Mark’s Ecology-Spirituality group.
Assisi Declarations: Messages on Man and Nature from Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam & Judaism
Author: Rinpoche, Lungrig Namgyal.
Publisher: World Wildlife Fund, United Kingdom, 1986
Baby Animals Just Want to Have Fun
Catalog #: VEM 028 Production: VHS. 30 min. 1990. Format: Documentary Audience: Children, HOME USE ONLY, Ages 2-8. Features five funfilled adventure tales of baby animals with live photography. Stories and Songs.
Baptized into Wilderness: A Christian Perspective on John Muir
Author: Austin, Richard Cartwright.
Publisher: John Knox (1987).
Austin, a Presbyterian minister and organic farmer, has a special vocation in environmental theology. This engaging portrait of America’s first environmental activist uncovers spiritual roots of modern ecological consciousness.
Beauty of the Lord: Awakening the Senses
Author: Austin, Richard Cartwright.
Publisher: John Knox (1988).
Austin, a Presbyterian minister and organic farmer, has a special vocation in environmental theology. “Written with great care and sensitivity, this series gives us the direction we need to fulfill our Christian responsibility for ‘the care of the earth’” (-Robert McAfee Brown).
Befriending the Earth: A Theology of Reconciliation Between Humans and the Earth
Author: Berry, Thomas and Thomas Clarke.
Publisher: Twenty Third Publications 1991.
Thomas Berry and Thomas Clarke discuss the tole of religion in the ecological movement today. They agree that religion, to now, has completely failed to address the despoliation of the earth, which they believe to be the greatest crisis in the history of the planet. Yet they offer hope and viable ways for ecology that will move us forward in our quest to heal the world.
“Befriending the Earth” provides a rich feast of spiritual, intellectual, and emotional thought for individuals hungering to discern how we can both nourish the earth and be recipients of its bountiful goodness.
Beyond Ecophobia: Reclaiming the Heart in Nature Education
Author: David Sobel
Publisher: The Orion Society, 1996
Beyond Ecophobia speaks to teachers, parents, and others interested in nurturing in children the ability to understand and care for nature. This expanded version of one of Orion Magazine’s most popular articles includes descriptions of developmentally appropriate environmental education activities and a list of related children’s books.
Biology: Through the Eyes of Faith
Author: Wright, Richard T.
Publisher: HarperCollins, 1989
The author brings a biblical perspective to theories on origins, contrasting creationism, intelligent design, and evolution. Highlighting the unique nature of biology and its interaction with Christian thought, Wright demonstrates that Christian stewardship can be the key to a sustainable future. This work addresses the needs of the Christian student of biology to align science and faith. It demonstrates that the study of biology penetrates to the core of human existence and has much to contribute to the construction of a consistent Christian worldview.
Bottled & Sold: The Story Behind our Obsession with Bottled Water
Author: Peter H. Gleick
Publisher: Island Press (2010)
Gleick investigates whether industry claims about the relative safety, convenience, and taste of bottled versus tap hold water. And he exposes the true reasons we’ve turned to the bottle from fear mongering by business interests and out own vanity to the breakdown of public systems and global inequalities. Although designer “H20” might be laughable, the commodification of water is a serious topic. It comes down to society’s choices about human rights, the role of government and free markets, the importance of being “green,” and fundamental values.
Break Forth Into Joy! Beyond a Consumer Lifestyle
Catalog #: VEM 078 Production: VHS.15 min., w/ 3 additional 10-min. sections. Alternative.1995.
Format: Documentary Audience: General
Adults, Senior High study guide.
So many of us are overwhelmed by daily demands and too many bills, not enough money, long work hours, not enough sleep, too many commitments, and not enough time for family, friends, and God. In our desperate search for “the good life,” we seem to have forgotten what brings us joy and gives life meaning.
This video helps us take a critical look at our lifestyle choices and the shape our lives have taken. It helps us realize how our obsession with buying and owning effects the earth, other people, and the human spirit. By sharing feelings, thoughts and practical ideas from a variety of people who struggle with life in a consumer society, this video calls us toward a lifestyle that is more fulfilling and joyful.
Breakthrough: Meister Eckhart’s Creation Spirituality in New Translation
Author: Meister Eckhart, Matthew Fox.
Publisher: Doubleday, Image Books, 1980
Fox brilliantly interprets Eckhart’s themes and creates a spiritual path for the nineties.
Brother Sun, Sister Moon
Catalog #: VEM 056 Production: VHS. 120 minutes. Paramount Pictures.
Format: Drama Audience: General
St. Francis of Assisi seeks communion with the natural world by renouncing his family riches to seek his own destiny unencumbered by material possessions.
Buddhism and Ecology
Author: Batchelor, Martine and Kerry Brown, editors.
Pubilsher: Cassell Publishers Ltd., 1992
Buddhism exists in many different forms in many different countries. In this book Buddhists from Japan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Tibet and the West offer their approaches to ecology and tell of practical activities as well as Buddhist teachings and philosophy. Stories, pictures and poems add to the picture of Buddhism and ecology and the book finishes with a message from the Dalai Lama.
Care of the Earth: An Environmental Resource Manual for Church Leader
Author: Tina B. Krause, editor.
Publisher: Lutheran School of Theology, 1994
A collection of essays arranged by topic. Part I: And God saw that it was good: Exploring Green Theology. Part II: What then shall we do? Developing Awareness, Assessment and Advocacy for Environmental Action through the Congregation
Caring for Children, Caring for Creation
Caring for Children, Caring for Creation adds to the conversation about the relationship between the health of children and the health of the environment.
Squeaky Puppy Enterprises, 2001.
Caring for Creation in Your Own Backyard: Over 100 Things Christian
Author: Wilkinson, Loren and Mary Ruth Wilkinson.
Publisher: Servant Publications, 1992
In this wonderfully creative and practical book, they offer more than a hundred simple things you and your family can do to make God’s earth a better place in which to live. But more than this, they show you how to celebrate God’s creation through the seasons of the year. It offers biblically-based answers and practical ideas that will not only help the environment but will enrich your life.
Caring for Creation: Toward an Ethic of Responsibility
Author: Rowthorn, Anne W.
Publisher: Morehouse Publishing, 1989
In “Caring for Creation”, Rowthorn decries the state of our planet and reproaches us as Christians for our “lack of appreciation for the connectedness of all life.” Nothing in God’s world is secular, she asserts; everything created is holy and to be revered. Christians, says Rowthorn, have for too long failed to realize this, and have acted as if the holy and sacred are to be found only in places of worship or within cloistered walls. The Church’s most urgent need in today’s world, argues Rowthorn, is to embrace a theology of creation that will ignite in all Christians a fervent love and sense of responsibility for all God’s creation.
Caring for God’s Creation: A Collection of Environmentally Focused Resource Materials and Sermons
Author: Moore-Kochlacs, Peter G.
Publisher: Environmental Ministries, 1993
Celebrating the Earth: An Earth-Centered Theology of Worship With Blessings, Prayers, and Rituals
Author: McCarthy, Scott.
Publisher: Resource Publications, Inc., 1991
Cherish the Gift: A Congregational Guide to Earth Stewardship
Author: Causey, Cindy Ubben.
Publisher: Author: Causey, Cindy Ubben.
Pastors and lay leaders will find practical ideas and timely information in this hands-on guide to environmental stewardship for the church. A sound biblical argument calls congregations to action, followed by facts and figures that detail the current environmental woes that plague the earth. subsequent chapters focus on specific activities and programs that congregational departments can organize – from fellowship dinners, worship services, and youth groups, to the church office, educational programs, and property maintenance.
“Cherish the Gift” opens the door to churches that are interested in beginning a deliberate program of environmental stewardship and serves as a basis for dialogue within congregations and denominations on the role of the church as true keepers of creation. It includes tips for use at home, a checklist at the end of each chapter, and a list of resources for additional information.
Cherishing God’s Creation
Human recklessness and folly are creating a global environmental crisis. Cherishing God’s Creation teaches that people can choose to heal and restore what others have plundered and destroyed. Although examples of the present environmental crisis are depicted in the video, its overall tone is both positive and encouraging.
Although the different elements of creation–earth, air, water, habitat and people–are completely interdependent, this video examines them individually, devoted a section to each one.
Curriculum Publishing Program Area, 59 minutes, 1998.
Christianity and Ecology
Author: Breuilly, Elizabeth and Martin Palmer, editors.
Publisher: Cassell Publishers Ltd., 1992
Christians from very diverse backgrounds — from Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, the Benedictine and Franciscan traditions and the World Council of Churches — have contributed their different experiences of Christianity and ecology to this book. They look at the background to the present problems of our planet, and at biblical and Christian teaching and practice, and how these have contributed to the problem or helped in the struggle to find answers. Questions for discussion and materials for worship and meditation are included.
Christianity and Ecology: Seeking the Well-Being of Earth and Humans
Edited by: Dieter T. Hessel & Rosemary Radford Ruether
Publisher: Harvard University (2000)
What can Christianity as a tradition contribute to the struggle to secure the future well-being of the earth community? This collaborative volume, the third in the series on religions of the world and the environment, announces that an ecological reformation, an eco-justice reorientation of Christian theology and ethics, is prominent on the ecumenical agenda.
The authors explore problematic themes that contribute to ecological neglect or abuse and offer constructive insight into and responsive imperatives for ecologically just and socially responsible living.
Purchase from Amazon: Christianity and Ecology: Seeking the Well-Being of Earth and Humans (Religions of the World and Ecology, 3)
Christianity, Wilderness and Wildlife
Author: Susan P. Bratton
Publisher: University of Scranton Press, 2009
In this book, Susan Bratton employs powerful and vivid stories from the Holy Scriptures and from the rich history of Christian wilderness spirituality to illustrate a tradition of reverential Christian attitudes toward nature. Bratton’s narration reminds readers that this tradition is alive and well, that the outdoors can provide deep religious experiences for today’s Christians.
Circle of the Spirit; a Saga of Native Americans in the Catholic Church
Catalog #: VEM 054 Production: VHS. 60 minutes. United States Catholic Conference, 1990.
Format: Documentary Audience: General
A saga of the Coeur d’Alene tribe of Idaho and the Lummi tribe of Washington and their relationships to the Catholic Church.
Coal Country
Producer: Evening Star Productions. 2009.
Most Americans are shocked to learn that nearly half of the electricity in the United States today is produced by coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel.
Coal Country reveals the truth about modern coal mining. The story is told by the people directly involved, both working miners and activists who are battling the coal companies in Appalachia.
What does coal mean for America and the rest of the world? The coal industry is spending millions to promote what it calls “clean coal.” Is it achievable? At what cost?
Coast Redwood – Uncut Stories
Catalog #: VEM 043 Production: VHS. 30 minutes. Chater Films, Mill Valley, CA. 1993.
Format: Documentary Audience: General
Personal stories woven with spectacular footage reveal the spirit of the old growth forests from southern Oregon to Big Sur.
Creation and the History of Science
Author: Kaiser, Christopher.
Publisher: W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 1991
Examines the relationship between the theology of creation and the history of science.
Creation in Crisis: Responding to God’s Covenant
Author: Bhagat, Shantilal P.
Publisher: Brethren Press, 1990
The author provides important background and discussion for a wide variety of issues, from the greenhouse effect to deforestation, water and waste, soil erosion and overpopulation, as well as the biosphere, biblical views of nature, creation and covenant, and lifestyle issues. Helpful appendixes list additional resources.
Creation Spirituality: Liberating Gifts for the Peoples of the Earth
Author: Fox, Matthew.
Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco, 1991
Passionate and provocative, Fox uncovers the ancient tradition of a creation-centered spirituality that melds Christian mysticism with the contemporary struggle for social justice, feminism, and environmentalism.
Basic to Fox’s notion for creation spirituality is the gift of awe – a mystical response to creation and the first step toward transformation. Awe prompts indignation at the exploitation and destruction of the earth’s people and resources. Awe leads to action.
Showing how we can learn from each other, Fox’s spirituality weds the healing and liberation found in both North and South America. “Creation Spirituality” challenges readers of every religious and political persuasion to unite in a new vision through which we learn to honor the earth and the people who inhabit it as the gift of a good and just creator.
Creations Caretakers
Catalog #: VEM 041
Production: VHS. 25 minutes. General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church.
Format: Documentary Audience: General
A look at the loss of family farms in favor of larger corporate holdings dependent on chemicals, etc. It looks at both the human effect and the effect on the land.
Creatures of the Sea
Catalog #: VEM 034 Production: VHS. 30 minutes. Educational Favorites. 1988.
Format: Documentary Audience: Children
An informational video that describes various sea creatures.
Cry in the Woods, A
Catalog #: VEM 049 Production: VHS. 18 minutes. Johnson Associates, Inc., McLean, VA, 1991.
Format: Documentary Audience: General
A presentation of Siskiyou County Board of Education and Board of Supervisors, which looks at the stress produced in families of timber workers because of restrictions on logging in the Pacific Northwest due to the spotted owl.
Deep Ecology and Creation-Centered Spirituality
Author: Seigfriedt, Sarajane.
Publisher: Pacific Northwest District, Unitarian Universalist Assoc
A 12-week discussion guide for adults. This curriculum responds to a paper, “Cosmic Evolution: Implications for Religious Education” presented by Rev. Makanah Elizabth Morriss at the 1985 Meadville-Lombard Midwinter Institute. She set some goals for Unitarian Universalists involved in religious education, which were adopted for this curriculum. This curriculum is intended for use in UU churches and fellowships, by lay-led adult groups.
Defending Mother Earth: Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice
Author: Weaver, Jace (ed.).
Publisher: Orbis Books, 1996
Defending Mother Earth brings together important Native voices to address urgent issues of environmental devastation as they affect the indigenous peoples throughout the Americas. The essays document a range of ecological disasters, including the devastating effects of mining, water pollution, nuclear power facilities, and toxic waste dumps. In an expression of “environmental racism”, such hazards are commonly located on or near Indian lands. Many of the authors included in Defending Mother Earth are engaged in struggles to resist these dangers. As their essays consistently demonstrate, these struggles are intimately tied to the assertion of Indian sovereignty and the affirmation of Native culture: the Earth is, indeed, Mother to these nations.
Developing Ecological Consciousness: Path to a Sustainable World
Author: Christopher Uhl
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2004
Addressing the question, what do students need to know to become more environmentally literate and ecologically conscious?, Christopher Uhl offers an ecological, wonder-filled initiation to the universe and planet Earth. He examines ways in which people are damaging the earth and, in the process, their own bodies and spirits, then presents the essential tools necessary for both planetary and personal transformation.
Diet for a New America and Your Health, Your Planet
Catalog #: VEM 058 Production: VHS.; 60 minutes. Produced by Ed Schuaman & Judy Prizinsky.
Format: Documentary Audience: General
Hosted by John Robbins, who discusses his theories on environmental and personal health consequences of a diet based on animal products.
Dirt! The Movie
Dirt! The Movie is an insightful and timely film that tells the story of the glorious and unappreciated material beneath our feet. Inspired by William Bryant Logan’s acclaimed book Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth, Dirt! The Movie takes a humorous and substantial look into the history and current state of the living organic matter that we come from and will later return to. Common Ground Media, Inc., 80 minutes, 2009
Earth & Spirit: The Spiritual Dimension of the Environmental Crisis
Author: Hull, Fritz (ed.).
Publisher: The Continuum Publishing Co., 1993
This anthology brings together addresses, invocations, and poems that explore the causal relationship between our relentless destruction of the natural environment and the limitations and inadequacies of our religious beliefs and spiritual values.
Earth and Faith: A Book of Reflection for Action
Edited by: Libby Bassett, John Brinkman and Kusumita Pederson.
Publisher: United Nations Environment Programme (2000)
Released by the Interfaith Partnership for the Environment United Nations Environment Programme, this publication reflects on the numerous links between faith and the preservation of our planet Earth. It offers an overview of lessons that the various faith traditions provide through the profound respect they teach for our planet. It presents a panorama of Earth issues and success stories on: fresh water, oceans and coasts, climate change, protecting the land, biodiversity and biosafety, toxic wastes and chemicals, consumerism, and globalization. Earth and Faith is the result of a unique effort to continue the dialogue between the scientific and faith communities from which is hoped will emerge a greater commitment to take responsible actions for the protection of our environment.
Earth Child: Games, Stories, Activities, Experiments and Ideas About Living Lightly on Planet Earth
Author: Sheehan, Kathryn, and Mary Waidner.
Publisher: Council Oak Books (1994)
The book focuses on celebrating events in nature (i.e. solstices, change of season) that easily coincide with some events in faith communities. Its plays, recipes, craft projects, wealth of resources, and much more engage children in appreciating their relationships with the rest of creation.
Earth Community Earth Ethics
Author: Rasumussen, Larry.
Publisher: Orbis (1997).
This award-winning book provides a comprehensive approach to issues of social cohesion and ecological concern, synthesizing insights from Christian theology and ethics, and environmental science in a single vision for creating a sustainable Earth community. With environmental ethics as its principle focus, the book brings together insights from diverse sources on the state of the environment – and what can be done, now, to halt the degradation of life.
Earthkeepers: Environmental Perspectives on Hunger, Poverty, and Injustice
Author: Art and Jocele Meyer.
Publisher: Herald Press, 1991
Should the church be involved in questions of ecology? Is there a biblical theology on which to base Christian care for the earth? How does it relate to daily living? The authors examine root causes of environmental degradation and analyze major concerns: squandering natural resources, world hunger and poverty, ozone depletion, pollution, toxic wastes…What can we do about them?
Earthkeeping in the Nineties: Stewardship of Creation
Author: Wilkinson, Loren (ed.).
Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1980, 1991.
This greatly revised and augmented edition of “Earthkeeping” updates the original edition while retaining the same breadth of perspective, reflecting the combined insights of Christian scholars in biology, physics, economics, literature, and philosophy. The book begins by laying out, with scientific precision, the state of the planet. Several chapters then carefully examine various historical and contemporary views of creation. Next the authors survey biblical and theological teaching relative to humanity’s use of creation. The book concludes by offering hopeful, practical guidelines for an earthkeeping ethic.
Earthkeeping Ministries: A New Vision for Congregations
Author: Greenstone, Suse.
Publisher: NetLibrary, Incorporated, 1991
EarthScore: Your Personal Environmental Audit & Guide
Author: Lotter, Donald W.
Publisher: Morning Sun Press (1993, 2002)
While intended for personal and household use, this resource can also serve as a helpful guide for congregations that want to quantitatively evaluate their ecological “footprint” and take steps towards greater sustainability and social equity. To order, contact your local bookstore or call Morning Sun Press at (925) 932-1383.
Earthsongs: Praying with Nature
Author: Simsic, Wayne.
Publisher: St. Mary’s Press, 1992
We need prayers – prayers that will heal the open wounds caused by our misuse of the natural world and help us to rebuild a healthy relationship with the earth. Nature prayers can best be expressed with a childlike heart – a heart that is drawn to mystery and willing to respond with reverence. Such prayers bring us barefoot to the earth, sensitive to the moist, rich soil that greets us warmly. Earth and sky form us, and we open our hands to the Creator in praise and gratitude.
The need for nature prayers inspired this book, but that is not its only focus. The book also addresses the longing each of us has to encounter nature from the depths of our life. Most of us, whether or not we feel drawn to participate in a particular religious tradition, look for spiritual nourishment in the natural world. We are aware of a transcendent dimension in nature and seek paths in the woods, along a shore, in a desert, or through the heights of a mountain. We find favorite places that become sacred and reflect our heart’s desire.
Eco-Church: An Action Manual
Author: Fritsch, Albert and Angela Ladavaia-Cox.
This resource contains helpful audits, suggestions, and resources for individuals and congregations. To order, go to Resource Publications, Inc.‘s website.
Eco-Justice: The Unfinished Journey
Editor: William E. Gibson
Publisher: State University of New York Press
Eco-Justice… links ecological sustainability and social justice from an ethical and often theological perspective… This collection includes contributions from the leading interpreters of the eco-justice movement as it recounts the evolution of the Eco Justice Project.
Ecology and Liberation, A New Paradigm
Author: Boff, Leonardo
Publisher: Orbis Books 1995.
Critiques common approaches to ecology, conservation and environmentalism. Boff states that these middle class approaches fail to scrutinize the systemic causes of ecological despoliation and their impact on the poor in the world.
Ecology and Religion: Toward a New Christian Theology of Nature
Author: Carmody, John.
Publisher: Paulist Press, 1983
EcoTeam: A Program Empowering Americans to Create Earth-Friendly Lifestyles
Author: David Gershon with Andrea Barrist Stern
Publisher: Global Action Plan for the Earth (1997)
If you’re like many people, you have a vague sense of what you should be doing to make your life more Earth-Friendly, but you don’t know where to begin. The Household EcoTeam Program will assist you in translating your desire to do the right thing into a program of environmental action that will make a difference. The program simplifies the overload of environmental information, and divides it into six specific sets of actions: reducing your garbage, water efficiency, energy efficiency, transportation efficiency, eco-wise consumer and empowering others through household, workplace and community action.
Ecotheology: Voices from South and North
Author: Hallman, David G. (editor).
Publisher: Orbis Books, 1994
A new and urgent item on the agenda of churches around the world is the theological and ethical dimensions of the ecological crisis. Highlighted by the United Nations “Earth Summit” in Brazil, the issues covered in this volume raise unavoidable and fundamental questions of life-style and Christian witness in the face of threats to the very survival of humankind and planet Earth.
The ground-breaking essays by more than two dozen contributors in this book are divided into five sections: biblical witness, theological challenges, insights from ecofeminism, insights from indigenous people, and ethical implications.
Ecotherapy: Healing Ourselves, Healing the Earth
Author: Howard Clinebell.
Publisher: Fortress Press, 1995
This trailblazing book sheds light on humankind’s most serious health challenge ever–how to save our precious planet–describes the strategic opportunities available to help the endangered human species cope constructively, and demonstrates the importance of hope, humor, and love in the process.
Embracing Earth: Catholic Approaches to Ecology
Author: Albert J. LaChance and John E. Carroll, Editors.
Publisher: Orbis Books, 1994
Brings together original and seminal contributions by contemporary Catholic spiritual and mystical writers who explore the Christian view of nature and our place in it. Their writings address not only theological, philosophical, and spiritual parameters but specific, concrete issues as well.
Environmental Education – Why Bother?
Catalog #: VEM 031 Production: VHS. 10 min. World Wildlife Fund, United Kingdom.
Format: Educational Audience: Adults
This tape provides a general introduction to issues in environmental education and can be used as a discussion starter.
Environmental Education in Primary Schools
Catalog #: VEM 030 Production: VHS. 30 min. World Wildlife Fund, United Kingdom.
Format: Educational Audience: Adults
This film has been designed to show how we environmental education in primary schools can be expanded to develop concepts, skills and attitudes. This film portrays several classroom approaches as well as a whole school approach.
Environmental Education in Secondary Schools
Catalog #: VEM 029 Production: VHS. 30 min. World Wildlife Fund.
Format: Educational Audience: Adults
Environmental Education has now been identified as one of five cross-curricular themes that schools have a responsibility to provide for all pupils. The film is designed to give practical help on how to plan and execute inter-departmental Environmental Education. It highlights the environment as a stimulating resource for secondary schools.
Environmental Stewardship Resource Manual
Author: Environmental Stewardship Committee.
Publisher: Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, 1993
This manual can be used by lay Christians, priests, youth groups, deacons, bishops — in short, by anybody–as an introduction to Christian environmental stewardship and as a source of materials for a wide range of activities.
The manual’s contents can be used for reflection, worship preparation, Christian education, and as a source of ideas for actions that you can take in your home, workplace, church, and community.
The manual has six sections: a short introduction on the nature of God’s creation and the notion of stewardship of Creation, then sections addressing Worship, Christian Education, Congregational Action, Community Action, and Personal Action. At the end of each section is a list of resource — organizations, people, and publications taht you can turn to for additional information or assistance.
Every Creature a Word of God: Compassion for Animals as Chrisian Spirituality
Author: Annika Spalde & Pelle Strindlund
Publisher: Vegetarian Advocates Press, 2008
“Many books about animals, diet, and Christianity have been written for a general audience, but this one is now the best. The authors mix personal stories with Biblical insight and passionate argument to produce a book that is as creative as it is earnest and focused.” -Stephen H. Webb
Fighting Goliath: Texas Coal Wars
Narrated by Robert Redford and produced by the Redford Center and Alpheus Media, FIGHTING GOLIATH: TEXAS COAL WARS follows the story of Texans fighting a high-stakes battle for clean air. The film introduces the unlikely partners — mayors, ranchers, CEOs, community groups, legislators, lawyers, faith groups, and citizens — that have come together to oppose the construction of 19 conventional coal-fired power plants that were slated to be built in Eastern and Central Texas and that were being fast-tracked by the Governor.
Covenant: A Short Film
34 minutes; 2008
Food for Life: The Spirituality and Ethics of Eating
Author: L. Shannon Jung
Publisher: Fortress Press, 2004
“‘Food for Life’ draws on the resources of Christian faith to help us delight in food and share with people who struggle with hunger.” -David Beckmann, President, Bread for the World
Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health
Author: Marion Nestle
Publisher: University of California Press, 2002
We all witness, in advertising and on supermarket shelves, the fierce competition for our food dollars. In this absorbing expose, Marion Nestle goes behind the scenes to reveal how the competition really works and how it affects our health. The abundance of food in the United States–enough calories to meet the needs of every man, woman, and child twice over–has a downside. Our over-efficient food industry must do everything possible to persuade people to eat more–more food, more often, and in larger portions–no matter what it does to our waistlines or well-being.
For the Beauty of the Earth: A Christian Vision for Creation Care
Author: Steven Bouma-Prediger
Publisher: Baker Academic (2001)
At a time when it seems humans have erred much in their understanding and keeping of the planet, For the Beauty of the Earth explores the relationship between Christianity and the natural world in the most thorough evangelical treatment available on a theology of creation care.
For the Common Good
Author: Cobb, John B. Jr. and Herman Daly.
Publisher: Beacon (1989).
A landmark work by an eminent theologian (Cobb) and an equally eminent economist (Daly). This book examines how our economy works, how it affects societies and bioregions, and offers a model for redirecting it to enhance both human and non-human communities.
Forty Nights: Creation Centered Night Prayer
Author: Daniel J. McGill.
Publisher: Paulist Press, 1993
“Forty Nights” is a volume of services for individual or communal use modeled after the Liturgy of the Hours and deeply sensitive to the connection between the earth environment and human prayer. Each of the night prayer services is thematically developed. They bring together psalms, Christian prayers and hymns, and writings of mystics and naturalists, with liberal borrowings from many religious traditions.
From Creation to New Creation: Old Testament Perspectives
Author: Bernhard W. Anderson.
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress, 1994
Princeton theologian Bernhard Anderson explores the historical, mythopoeic, and theological dimensions of classic Old Restament reflections on the motif of creation. The result is an abundance of fresh insight and compelling exegesis that have implications for human life and thought today.
Fruits of Creation: A Look at Global Sustainability as Seen Through the Eyes of George Washington Carver
Author: Ferrell, John S.
Publisher: Macalester Park, 1995
Gardening Eden
Author: Michael Abbate
Publisher: WaterBrook Press
“Spiritual environmentalism” did not start out as an oxymoron–it was an invitation. Yet today, many believe God’s first job description for humankind has been replaced by other “worthier pursuits.” Is changing our lives to save the world really our responsibility–or even possible? Green living is no longer a fad–simple lifestyle solutions are now available to everyone. Discover creation care as an act of worship and a call to deeper harmony with our Creator, our fellow gardeners, and our living earth. Gardening Eden invites you to consider a new, spiritual perspective to practical environmentalism.
Purchase from Amazon: Gardening Eden: How Creation Care Will Change Your Faith, Your Life, and Our World
Geo-Justice: A Preferential Option for the Earth
Author: James A. Conlon.
Publisher: Resource Publications, Inc. 1990
Go Green, Live Rich
Author: David Bach
Publisher: Broadway Books, 2008
Most people think that “going green” is an expensive choice they can’t afford. Bach is here to say that you can have both: a life in line with your green value ans a million dollars in the bank.
God in Creation: A New Theology of Creation and the Spirit of God
Author: Jürgen Moltmann.
Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco, 1991
The title expresses the book’s intention: not to go on distinguishing between God and the world, so as then to surrender the world, as godless, to its scientific ‘disenchantment’ and its technical exploitation by human beings, but instead to discover God in all the beings he has created and to find his life-giving Spirit in the community of creation that they share. This view — which has also been called panentheistic (in contrast to pantheistic) — requires us to bring reverence for the life of every living thing into the adoration of God. And this means expanding the worship and service of God to include service for God’s creation.
God is Green: Ecology for Christians
Author: Bradley, Ian.
Publisher: Image Books, Doubleday, 1990
A simple yet superb explanation of why Christians should be environmentalists, God Is Green shows, through the Bible and other ancient writings, how at the heart of Christian belief is a sense of a sacred world. By rebutting the charges against Christianity–its alleged arrogance toward nature and its glorification of man at nature’s expense–Bradley has crafted a book that both appeals and challenges.
Good Food
Producer: Moving Images Video Project, Bullfrog Films. 2008.
Meet a handful of the Pacific Northwest’s small scale organic farmers in this documentary about local producers. This excellent documentary tells the story of small scale agriculture in the region and why it is necessary to health and the environment. These producers have stood firm in the face of obstacles and are participating in the vibrant small scale agriculture movement that is returning to our nation.
Green Guidance: How to Plan Environmentally Responsible Events
Author: Sparr, Pamela.
Publisher: Women’s Division of the United Methodist Church (UMC)
A well packaged guide for environmentally responsible meetings and events. Rich with a variety of resources that may be used in many areas of church life.
Greening of Faith; Why the Environment is a Christian Concern
Catalog #: VHS 462 Production: VHS. 2 tapes, 30 min. & 27 min. Includes Study Guide. Earth Ministry / Cathedral Films, 1994.
Format: Documentary Audience: Adults, VHS 462-1 Program One: (30 min.) Theology and Spirituality
Biblical foundation for ecology, Creation spirituality in Christian tradition, Nature as sacramental, The reconnection of faith and science. VHS 462-2 Program Two: (27 min.) Ethics, Environment and justice, The extension of ethical obligation beyond the human species, The unique role the Church can play in the formation of attitudes and the enabling of change. These two videos explore the religious dimensions of caring for the earth. Theologians and environmentalists offer helpful ecumenical perspectives on one of the most pressing – and exciting- ares of faith and ethics. Stunning nature photography and the haunting music of Peter Kater, R. Carlos Nakai and Chris White flavor this sumptuous feast of creation themes.
Growing Season
Catalog #: VEM 048 Production: VHS. 25 minutes. Bullfrog Films, Oley, Pa, 1992.
Format: Documentary Audience: General
Catherine Sneed, founder of The Greenhouse Project shares the programs in which San Francisco County Jail inmates learn to care for plants, animals and themselves. They learn a new sense of self-worth, respect for life, and connection to the community.
Guide to Resource Efficient Church Buildings
Author: Mumma, Tracy.
Publisher: Produced for the Evangelical Church in America by the Center for Resourceful Building Technology (1997)
This guide deals with the responsible use of God’s gifts in constructing churches. It considers “embodied energy” (energy spent in production and transportation of materials), recycling, and the disposal of construction waste. This guide also gives a list of manufacturers of resource efficient building materials.
Healing and Defending God’s Creation: Hands On! Practical Ideas for Congregations
Author: White, Vera K.
Publisher: Social Justice and Peacemaking Ministry and Stewardship and Communication Development Ministry Units of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
This resource book/curricula has the following sections: (1) Discipleship and Worship; (2) Learning and Teaching (providing lesson plans for preschool children through adults); (3) Lifestyle (individual and communal lifestyle choices); (4) Reusing, Reducing, and Recycling (exploring consumption habits); and (5) Legislation, Public Policy, and Community Involvement. Each section contains concrete examples of what churches are doing for creation care. Includes an extensive resource list. To order, go to the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. website.
Hinduism and Ecology: Seeds of Truth
Author: Ranchor Prime.
Publisher: Cassell Publishers Ltd., 1992
This book looks at the environmental values of the Hindu tradition — its past and present teachings and practice. In it the author speaks to prominent Hindu environmental activists and thinkers, presents their ideas and explains what they are doing.
This book is part of a series on world religions and ecology which also includes Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
Hope for the Earth: A Handbook for Christian Environmental Groups
Author: Sharon Delgado.
Publisher: Geneva Board of Church and Society, 1994
This handbook is based on the belief that several themes from the Wesleyan tradition can help the church become a powerful force in the struggle to bring about a just and sustainable world. Each of the ten sessions of this study uses the Wesleyan Quadrilateral to analyze different aspects of the ecological crisis and to discern faithful responses by the Church. In other words, the foundation for our study is the word of God as “revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition, vivified in personal experience, confirmed by reason”.
Hope’s Edge
Author: Frances Moore Lappe and Anna Lappe
Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam (2003)
Thirty years ago, Frances Moore Lappé started a revolution in the way Americans think about food and hunger. Now Frances and her daughter, Anna, pick up where Diet for a Small Planet left off. Together they set out on an around-the-world journey to explore the greatest challenges we face in the new millennium. Traveling to Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe, they discovered answers to one of the most urgent issues of our time: whether we can transcend the rampant consumerism and capitalism to find the paths that each of us can follow to heal our lives as well as the planet.
Featuring nearly seventy recipes from celebrated vegetarian culinary pioneers-including Alice Waters, Mollie Katzen, Laurel Robertson, Nora Pouillon, and Anna Thomas – Hope’s Edge highlights true trailblazers engaged in social, environmental, and economic transformations.
Household Ecoteam Workbook: A Six-month Program to Bring Your Household into Environmental Balance
Author: Gershon, David and Robert Gilman.
Publisher: Global Action Plan for the Earth (1990, 1991)
This workbook divides environmental concerns into six areas and recommends that small groups meet regularly (over a six-month period) to address these areas: water efficiency, energy efficiency, transportation, and garbage/waste reduction. Each month, the group can take specific actions in order to implement ideas within a household or church congregation.
How Can We Live in Community with Creation?
Author: Simpson, James.
Publisher: Presbyterian Publishing House, 1991
How to Rescue the Earth Without Worshiping Nature
Author: Tony Campolo.
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992
“In anticipation of His coming, we must go to work today and contribute to the work which He will complete on the day of His coming.”
Hutterites, The; To Care and Not to Care
Catalog #: VEM 039 Production: VHS. 58 min. Gateway Films, Vision Video, 1984. Format: Documentary Audience: General
The Hutterites are a society in which faithfulness to Christ’s teaching is more important than self-advancement or worldly comforts. They live strict communal lives based on the teachings of the Bible, while farming over a million acres in Canada and the United States using the most advanced farm equipment.
If You Love This Planet: A Plan to Heal the Earth
Author: Helen Caldicott, M.D.
Publisher: W. W. Norton
Our planet is desperately ill and must be healed. If the human race does not change its present behavior, the ecosphere may be doomed within the next ten years. A renowned anti-nuclear activist for twenty years, Helen Caldicott here turns from the arms race to the race to save the planet, laying out the grim details of ozone depletion, excess energy consumption, pollution, and global warning. The causes: public apathy, corporate greed, and the cynical manipulation of political leaders.
In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto
Author: Michael Pollan
Publisher: The Penguin Press, 2008
Food. There’s plenty of it around, and we all love to eat ti. So why should anyone need to defend it? Because most of what we’re consuming today is not food, and how we’re consuming it–in the car, in front of teh TV, and increasingly alone–is not really eating… Pollan proposes a new (and very old) answer to the question of what we should eat that comes down to seven simple but liberating words: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
In the Beginning There was Joy: A Creation Story for All Ages
Author: Matthew Fox.
Publisher: Crossroad Publishing, 1995
Irreplaceable: Wildlife in a Warming World
Irreplaceable: Wildlife in a Warming World– a stunning exhibit of wildlife photography–brings you face to face with the incredible plants and animals of our planet: species big and small, familiar and exotic, but all are threatened by a rapidly warming world. DVD Running Time = 4:30 min.
Islam and Ecology
Author: Fazlun Khalid with Joanne O’Brien, editors.
Publisher: Cassell Publishers Ltd., 1992
The word of Allah revealed in the Qur’an is at the heart of Muslim life. The duties and obligations of humans to each other and to the created world that are contained in its verses are central to Islam, and the laws that guide Muslim action reflect an inherent concern for ecology. In this book Muslim perspectives on issues as wide-ranging as animal husbandry, desert reclamation, international trade, and science are addressed through discussion, examples, stories, and quotations.
- new ideas and ways of thinking for Muslims and non-Muslims alike
- a resource for group discussions and study in colleges and schools
- part of a series on world religions and ecology which also includes Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism
Judaism and Ecology
Author: Aubrey Rose, editor.
Publisher: Cassell Publishers Ltd., 1992
In this book Aubrey Rose OBE, Senior Vice-President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, guides the reader with humour, wisdom, and enthusiasm through age-old ecological teachings of the Jewish faith; its ceremonies, law and resources for developing a right attitude to creation; the contribution of modern Israel to the world’s environment; and practical action by Jews world-wide.
- an exciting source of wisdom, faith and practical action
- a resource for study, discussion, and action in colleges, schools, synagogues and churches
- part of a series on world religions and ecology which also includes Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam
Just and Proper Use: Issues in Environmental Stewardship
Author: Judy Scherff.
Episcopalians pray for “the just and proper use” of God’s creation. While they pray, the rain forests are being eradicated, more and more animal species become extinct, the burning of fossil fuels goes unchecked and the impoverished bear the brunt of pollution and environmental decay. How will we rearrange our lives, our economies, and our social orders to better rely upon and sustain God’s creation?
These are properly the issues of the church, author Judy Scherff insists in this booklet, and to respond to the needs of the earth is to fulfill our very baptismal vows. At the root of the environmental crisis is greed, and the undoing of our greed is always the hope of every Christian — and perhaps the only hope for the planet.
Keeping and Healing the Creation
Author: Presbyterian Eco-Justice Task Force.
Publisher: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 1989
With the adoption by the 202nd General Assembly (1990; Presbyterian Church USA) of “Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice,” a comprehensive social policy brought to the General Assembly by the Committee on Social Witness Policy and its Eco-Justice Task Force, a new birth of enthusiasm and reflection was sparked.
This resource paper, “Keeping and Healing the Creation,” played a key role in enlisting the involvement and support of all levels of the church. “Keeping and Healing the Creation” provides the theological and ethical basis for the General Assembly’s policy. As envisioned from the beginning, it is part of the educational program of the church, as well as the church’s ecumenical discussions. It contains a study guide and an excerpt from the General Assembly policy. A brief video entitled “Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice” is intended to be used along with the study guide. A list of resources is included at the end of the book for your use.
Keeping the Earth: Religious and Scientific Perspectives on the Environment
Catalog #: VEM 074 Production: VHS. 27 min. Union of Concerned Scientists. 1996. Format: Documentary Audience: General
This inspirational, twenty-seven-minute video (with discussion guide) features prominent scientists and religious leaders who share their perspectives on the need to protect creation. To order, go to the Union of Concerned Scientists’ website.
Let’s Talk about the People
Catalog #: VEM 064 Production: VHS. 28 min. 1994. Format: Documentary Audience: General
Written and performed by the EcoSound class of 1994. (Urban Youth for the Environment). An Environmental Justice! documentary and music-video sponsored by Metropolitan King County Council member Ron Sims, Seattle, WA.
Life on Earth
Catalog #: VEM 026 Production: VHS. 466 min. 13 parts, 2 tapes. Format: Documentary Audience: General. HOME USE ONLY
Life on Earth is the story of how a few of earth’s four million animals and plants came to be and their solutions for staying alive.
1. The Infinite Variety 2. Building Bodies 3. The First Forests 4. The Swarming Hordes 5. Conquest of the Waters 6. Invasion of the Land 7. Victors of the Dry Land 8. Lords of the Air 9. The Rise of the Mammals 10. Theme and Variations 11. The Hunters and the Hunted 12. Life in the Trees 13. The Compulsive Communicators
Living More with Less
Author: Longacre, Doris Janzen.
Publisher: Herald Press, 1980
Longacre provides a pattern for living with less and a wealth of practical suggestions from around the world in chapters on money, clothing, homes, transportation and travel, celebrations, and recreation.
Catalog #: VEM 027 Production: VHS. 31 min. Peter Roberts Productions, Edmonds, WA.1987.
Format: Documentary Audience: General. HOME USE ONLY
This is the story of one family of common loons from the day the adults return to their traditional nesting island to the day they lead the chicks away. The call of the loon and the lake region’s natural ambiance will transform your easy chair into a comfortable seat at the water’s edge.
Love the Earth and Be Healed
Author/Publisher: Produced by the United Methodist Communications Office.
This series of six videos (about twenty-five minutes each) examines real-life case studies and includes reflections from some of the most articulate voices within the field of eco-theology: Sallie McFague, John Cobb, Cal DeWitt, and Jay McDaniel.
Love Thy Neighbor: Parish Resources for Faithfulness in Creation
Author: Irish, Carolyn Tanner.
Publisher: Diocese of Washington, 1991
This comprehensive program is designed to answer questions like: What are the religious dimensions of the environmental problem? What books and films can we use as parish resources? How can we incorporate creation issues in liturgy? How can children and young people be part of efforts to reorient our lifestyles?
“Love Thy Neighbor” is designed as a self-contained program, which parishes may adapt to local circumstances.
Loving Creation: Christian Spirituality, Earth-Centered and Just
Author: Kathleen Fischer
Publisher: Paulist Press (2009)
How can we bring about the profound conversion of mind and heart necessary to protect and preserve our planet at this critical point in history? Loving Creation shows that only when we are touched by God will we find new ways of relating to all other species and Earth itself. Rich in tradition, this book draws from ancient and contemporary sources to fashion a holistic Christian spirituality that unites ecological concerns with social justice, personal struggles with those of the planet, theological reflection with scientific findings, and everyday grace with global outreach.
Purchase from Amazon: Loving Creation: Christian Spirituality, Earth-centered and Just
Loving Our Neighbor, The Earth: Creation-Spirituality Activities for 9-11 Year-Olds
Author: Jenkins, Christie L.
This curriculum consists of twenty lessons for children and teaches them to enjoy creation and the Creator, and care for creation. Topics include water conservation, cultivating the Earth, “God and Garbage,” learning the stars, and more. Contains photocopiable handouts. Order at Resource Publications, Inc.‘s website.
Ministering with the Earth
Author: Mary Elizabeth Moore
Publisher: Chalice Press, 1998
In this book, a distinguished theologian and educator calls us to affirm that God’s work is sacred and that people are called to live in response to God’s movements in creation. The challenge is more than caring for the Earth; it is also engaging with the Earth in ministry… Stories and visions invite us to meditate, to analyze, and to take a new view of the Earth–not merely as a source of beauty and certainly not as a collection of valuable resources–but as a creation of God with which we are bound in conventional relationship.
Purchase from Amazon: Ministering with the Earth
Money Enough: Everyday Practices for Living Faithfully in the Global Economy
Author: Douglas A. Hicks
Publisher: Jossey-Bass, 2010
In this timely resource, author Douglas A. Hicks offers a faith-based account of the global economy and our place in it. Money Enough is filled with insight and wise advice that walks the line between rejecting the marketplace and accepting its excesses. Using well-chosen illustrative examples, the book shows how to develop practices that help us survive in hard times and reach out to others.
More Fun, Less Stuff
Hosted by Danny Glover, More Fun, Less Stuff examines how the American dream has morphed into an endless chase for “more”–more money, more material goods, bigger houses, bigger cars. . . bigger everything. In this entertaining and hope-filled video, you’ll meet ordinary Americans who are creating a new model for business, institutions and consumers. These unsung heroes are changing the way their companies, organizations and families consume as they improve their quality of life, protect the environment and promote social justice.
Center for a New American Dream.
30 minutes, 2002.
My Life: A Steward’s Life
Author: Fillette, Barbara.
Publisher: Reformed Church in America, 1992
A broadly graded stewardship education program for children ages four through grade two and children in grades three through six. This five-session course can be used in your congregation during a stewardship emphasis, for a special study, or as a resource for a five-day vacation school program. Each session is designed for a one-hour time frame but offers a wide variety of activities and can be easily expanded.
Each session in this guide begins with an introductory section for teachers. The session is then divided into two sections, FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN and FOR OLDER CHILDREN.
Natural Prayer: Encountering God in Nature
Author: Wayne Simsic
Publisher: Mystic CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1991
Wonder, reverence, and praise in encounter with the beauty of nature.
Ocean Life
Catalog #: VEM 033 Production: VHS. 30 min. Educational Favorites. 1988. Format: Documentary Audience: Children. HOME USE ONLY. Describes life in the ocean.
Ocean Psalms: Meditations, Stories, Prayers, Songs & Blessings from the Sea
Producer: Mystic Waters Media. 2008.
Of God and Pelicans: A Theology of Reverence for Life
Author: Jay B. McDaniel
Publisher: Louisville KY: Westminster/John Knox, 1989
This is not a book merely about pelicans and God. It is a book about all living things on earth, both inanimate and animate: trees, rivers, animals, and people – the hungry, the lost, the forgotten, and the victimized.
Written in four thought-provoking chapters, McDaniel’s book discusses the understanding of God’s relationship to all living things, the foundations and guidelines for an environmental ethic, the understanding of Christian spirituality, and feminism (in a nonhierarchical world). Both theologians and people interested in feminist theology, the environment, animal rights, and philosophy will find this to be a valuable, insightful resource.
On Our Way: Christian Practices for Living a Whole Life
Editors: Dorothy C. Bass & Susan R. Briehl
Publisher: Upper Room Books, 2010
“‘What makes a good life?’ Wrestling with questions about how to live your life is part of being human. Such questions are especially urgent for those coming of age in the twenty-first century. I see in this generation a passionate yearning to live in a way that is good for our endangered planet, life-giving to others, and attentive to the presence of God. On Our Way is a response to this yearning, offered by a group of authors who belong to the diverse, imperfect, amazing community that has gathered around Jesus Christ across the centuries. On Our Way invites you to explore a way of live that is rooted in ancient wisdom while also moving towards the future, a way of life overflowing with God’s justice, mercy, and love.” -Dorothy Bass
One God, One Family, One Earth: Responding to the Gifts of God’s Creation
A Bible study based on the ecology policy statement of American Baptist Churches USA.
Author: Ecology and Racial Justice Program, National Ministries
Publisher: Valley Forge: American Baptist Churches, 1991
As we follow Jesus out of doors into the ebb and flow of creation, we will discover that mountain top experiences cannot be separated from the needs of human beings for physical and spiritual healing. Chapter two of this prayer and Bible study guide is the Ecology Policy Statement of the American Baptist Churches. A special multi-racial National Ministries Board task force spent three years preparing this statement. Chapter three is the Planet Earth Bible Study Guide. When two or three meet together in Jesus’ name, God is there. Individual prayer and meditation get stronger when we bring our questions and insights together in group study of the Scriptures.
Responsibility for ecological stewardship belongs to all persons, regardless of ethnicity, socio-economic status, or denomination. “Our Only Home: Planet Earth” was prepared with the conviction that by working together, we can care for the earth.
Our Only Home: Planet Earth; A Gift From God
A Bible study based on the ecology policy statement of American Baptist Churches USA.
Author: Ecology and Racial Justice Program, National Ministries
Publisher: Valley Forge: American Baptist Churches, 1991
As we follow Jesus out of doors into the ebb and flow of creation, we will discover that mountain top experiences cannot be separated from the needs of human beings for physical and spiritual healing. Chapter two of this prayer and Bible study guide is the Ecology Policy Statement of the American Baptist Churches. A special multi-racial National Ministries Board task force spent three years preparing this statement. Chapter three is the Planet Earth Bible Study Guide. When two or three meet together in Jesus’ name, God is there. Individual prayer and meditation get stronger when we bring our questions and insights together in group study of the Scriptures.
Responsibility for ecological stewardship belongs to all persons, regardless of ethnicity, socio-economic status, or denomination. “Our Only Home: Planet Earth” was prepared with the conviction that by working together, we can care for the earth.
Our Sustainable Table
Editor: Robert Clark
Publisher: San Francisco: North Point Press, 1990
A collection of essays about our off-track relationship with food, the land, and the people who farm it.
Passion for the Earth: The Christian Vocation to Promote Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation
Author: Sean McDonagh
Publisher: Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1994
Challenging the Church to respond to environmental degradation, Sean McDonagh examines newly-industrialized nations and looks at the effects on the environment of GATT. Examples are given from many countries. Sean McDonagh also wrote “The Greening of the Church” and “To Care for the Earth”.
Penguins and Otters
Catalog #: VEM 032 Production: VHS. 30 min. Educational Favorites. 1988. Format: Documentary Audience: Children. HOME USE ONLY
Describes the habits of penguins and otters in an entertaining format.
Population and People of Faith; It’s About Time
Catalog #: VEM 007 Production: VHS. 27 min., with study guide. 1991. Format: Documentary Audience: General
Exploration of the issues of population growth, its underlying causes and steps needed to slow growth.
Practicing Our Faith
Author: Dorothy C. Bass
Publisher: Jossey-Bass (1997)
Bass, a United Church minister and historian of American religion, and Craig Dykstra, a Presbyterian minister and president of religion at Lilly Endowment, Inc., helped facilitate a dialog among 13 theologians and educators from a variety of religious and ethnic backgrounds. Their responses, represented here, explore vital ways to apply Christian tradition and practice to everyday life in a world that demands continuous personal change and discernment. A thoughtful discussion of possibilities for responding to the challenges of faith through the shared dimensions of spiritual life.
Praying with Francis of Assisi
Author: Joseph M. Stoutzenbarger and John D. Bohrer
Publisher: Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press, 1989
Praying with Francis of Assisi is not a biography about St. Francis, but a way of praying with him. Those who use this book will learn that Francis’ spirituality fits naturally into Christian tradition and reflects his great love for the Jesus of the Gospels.
Each of the fifteen meditations invites readers into the story of Francis and his thoughts and feelings about important life-themes, and suggests ways in which to reflect on and pray about their own life in light of what hey have learned from this challenging, holy man.
Praying with Julian of Norwich
Author: Gloria Durka
Publisher: Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press, 1989
“Dr. Gloria Durka gives us in one book an experience of meditation, an insight into a right and complicated social epoch, a quiet argument for women’s rights, and a practical encounter with a thinker”…. Dr. Anthony Padovano, Ramapo College of New Jersey.
Project Fragile Earth; Vacation Church School Curriculum for Caretake
Author: Camille Hegg, Jane McGuignan and Deana Trott
Publisher: Marietta GA: St. James Episcopal Church, 1990
Radical Simplicity
Author: Jim Merkel
Publisher: New Society Publishers (2003)
Imagine you are first in line at a potluck buffet. The spread includes not just good and water, but all the materials needed for shelter, clothing, healthcare, and education. How do you know how much to take? How much is enough to leave for your neighbors behind you – not just the six billion people, but the wildlife, and the as-yet-unborn?
Many people feel the need to change their own lifestyles as a tangible way of trasnforming our unsustainable culture. Radical Simplicity is the first book to guide you toward a personal sustainability goal, and then offer a way to lower your footprint to be more equitable among all people, species, and generations.
Reclaiming America: Restoring Nature to Culture
Author: Richard Cartwright Austin
Publisher: Abingdon VA: Creekside Press, 1990
Volume 4 of 4 in a comprehensive, systematic statement of environmental theology by a Christian teacher. In this stand-alone volume, focuses on restoring a love and reverence of nature to modern culture.
Reclaiming the Connection: A Contemporary Spirituality
Author: Kathleen Fischer
Publisher: Kansas City MO: Sheed & Ward, 1990
“Reclaiming the Connections” offers a vision, both clear and practical of the interconnectedness of all things. The realization that we live in such a universe will change how we work and pray, how we relate to one another and to God, to ourselves. Kathleen Fischer calls us not only to contemplation but to solicitude for the earth. In short, “Reclaiming the Connections” answers our yearning for a spirituality of interconnectedness.
Redeeming the Creation
Author: Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
Publisher: WCC Publications
The key question of the June 1992 Earth Summit in Rio was “whether there is a future in which all people can be offered the hope of life and the earth can be preserved in the capacity to provide that life.” In clear and readable language, this book sets out the implications of that momentous international event for the churches and the ecumenical movement… The author… [focuses] on the challenges of rethinking Christian theology of creation and relating this to the vision of a sustainable society.
Purchase from Amazon: Redeeming the Creation: The Rio Earth Summit: Challenges for the Churches-#55 (Risk Book Series)
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Author: Oregon Ecumenical Center for Environmental Action
Publisher: Tigard OR: Oregon Ecumenical Center for Environmental Action, 1991
Unit 1: The Problem, Unit 2: The Theological Basis for a Recycling Ethic, Unit 3: Cutting Down on Trash, Unit 4: Benefits of Recycling, Unit 5: Economics – Its Influence on Recycling, Unit 6: What Oregon and Idaho Are Doing, Unit 7: Opportunities for Education and Action, Unit 8: Setting Up a Recycling Program in the Church
Appendix A: Energy Profiles, Appendix B: If You’re Not Buying Recycled Paper, You’re Not Recycling. Appendix C: Code for Recycling Plastics, Appendix D: An Easy Guide to Backyard Composting, Appendix E: A Prayer of Sorrow, Healing, and Gratitude, Appendix F: The Illustrated Guide to the Hazardless Home, Appendix G: Non-Toxic Alternatives to Hazardless Products, Appendix H: Idaho Waste Reduction A-V Library, Appendix J: Idaho Waste Reduction Solid Waste Facts, Appendix K: Song: “What on Earth Are We Doing.”, Appendix L: Song: “There’s No Such Place as Away!”
Resource Lists: Worship and Music Resources, Curriculum and Books (Children/Youth/Families), Curriculum and Books (High School/Adults), Individual and Group Action Resources, Catalogs, Magazines, Newsletters, Resource Libraries, Advocacy
Reducing Energy Costs in Religious Buildings
Catalog #: VEM 042 Production: VHS. 27 minutes. Interfaith Coalition on Energy (ICE), Philadelphia, PA.
Format: Documentary Audience: Adults
Addresses methods to reduce energy costs in churches and parochial schools.
RENEWAL: Stories from America’s Religious-Environmental Movement
RENEWAL is the first feature-length documentary film to capture the vitality and diversity of today’s religious-environmental activists. From within their Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Muslim traditions, Americans are becoming caretakers of the Earth. With great courage, these women, men and children are re-examining what it means to be human and how we live on this planet. Their stories of combating global warming and the devastation of mountaintop removal, of promoting food security, environmental justice, recycling, land preservation, and of teaching love and respect for life on Earth are the heart of RENEWAL.
The 90-minute documentary is designed for theatrical and community screenings, and for broadcast, yet each of Renewal’s eight stories also stands on its own. From the DVD Main Menu you can choose to play the entire 90-minute documentary, or you can select any individual story. The individual stories are slightly longer than the versions in the full documentary and contain additional scenes and information.
Resources for Outdoor Retreats; Journey into Nature, Journey into the Heart
Author: Bob Grgic
Publisher: Winona MN: Saint Mary’s Press, 1994
Filled with well-chosen resources to help you design your own outdoor retreats and prayer experiences. You will find clearly outlined directions, imaginative suggestions and handouts for retreatants’ participation. The activities, prayers, and handouts can be combined in ways to meet the unique and changing circumstances that you might face in providing outdoor retreat experiences for you young people.
Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice
Catalog #: VEM 044 Production: VHS. 15 minutes. Presbyterian Church (USA), 1990.
Format: Documentary Audience: General
Presents the diversity and beauty of nature along with equally dramatic scenes of creation’s pain and the injustice suffered by human beings. Also focuses on God’s work to heal and restore creation.
Saving Creation: Nature and Faith in the life of Holmes Rolston III
Author: Christopher J. Preston
Publisher: Trinity University Press
Saving Creation is the compelling story of Templeton Prize winner and Gifford lecturer Holmes Rolston III. Known as the “father of environmental ethics,” Rolston is celebrated for his advocacy to protect the Earth’s biodiversity and for his critical work reconciling evolutionary biology and Christianity.
Purchase from Amazon: Saving Creation: Nature and Faith in the Life of Holmes Rolston III
Saving God’s Green Earth
Author: Tri Robinson
With: Jason Chatraw
Publisher: Ampelon Publishing, 2006
For hundreds of years, the church has championed the beauty of God’s creation, demonstrating in many ways how it points to the Creator. However, over the last century, the evangelical church has let the value of caring for creation slip away. In this book, author and pastor Tri Robinson makes a compelling case for the biblical precedence behind environmental stewardship and shows the church what it can do about this eroding value.
Saving Life on Earth
Catalog #: VEM 019 Production: VHS. 11 Min. World Wildlife Fund. Format: Documentary Audience: General
An overview of activities of the World Wildlife Fund to preserve wildlife habitat.
Sharing Food: Christian Practices for Enjoyment
Author: L. Shannon Jung
Publisher: Fortress Press, 2006
“Food is a life-sustaining gift from God, which is why justice demands that we create a world where all can eat nutritiously. “Sharing Food” will cause readers to be more mindful of how we relate to this gift.” – Rev. David Beckman, President, Bread for the World
Sheer Joy: Conversations with Thomas Aquinas on Creation Spirituality
Author: Matthew Fox
Publisher: San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1992
In Sheer Joy: Conversations with Thomas Aquinas on Creation Spirituality Matthew Fox liberates this Catholic theologian and philosopher from the prison house of scholasticism and reductionism. Through an interview technique, Fox uses Aquinas’s writings as a lamp to shed light on the sacralization of nature, the importance of wonder, the ethics of empowerment, passion as the seat of all virtue, and the wealth of images available to describe God.
Fox relies upon the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality as an organizing structure for this source book. He celebrates the great theologian’s cosmology as a vision blending science, mysticism, and art. Aquinas’s view that “revelation comes in two volumes–that of nature and that of the Bible” speaks to Fox’s emphasis upon an ecological consciousness. And certainly his recognition that the wisdom of the heart is as important as the wisdom of the head is in sync with modern day mysticism.
Simple Living: a Six-part Reflection for Small Groups
Author: Susan DeWitt, Linda Haydock, Wes Howard-Brook
Publisher: Seattle WA: Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center, 1994
The booklets are designed to lead small groups in prayerful reflection on the choices that we make in our lives and how they affect the larger world community.
Each booklet focuses on a different facet of simple living: getting started, walking gently on the Earth, time, money, technology, and community. The sessions are presented in a context of prayer and ritual, with consideration of both the personal and global effects of our choices. To order the Simple Living booklets ($2 each plus postage), contact: Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center, 150 12th Ave. #3, Seattle, WA 98122; (206) 223-1138.
Simplicity: The Art of Living
Author: Richard Rohr
Publisher: New York: Crossroad Publishing, 1991
“Rohr, a Franciscan priest and internationally known speaker, was invited to Germany in 1990 to present a series of sermons on the spiritual life. This book is a compilation of some of those talks. Rohr believes that the Christian Church and its people need to take more chances in their relationships with God and the work they do for him. He expresses a concern that the church is often paralyzed by its need for control and constant reflection. Promoting an active faith, with an active commitment in the world, he encourages his audience to live a daring life, trusting in God and acting upon that trust, without devoting large amounts of time to analyzing the actions that are taken. While some of Rohr’s ideas are not new, there is much food for thought here. Most Christians should find this interesting reading.” – Joanna M. Thompson, Bluefield State Coll. Lib., W. Va. Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Six Billion & More: Human Population Regulation and Christian Ethics
Author: Susan Power Bratton
Publisher: Louisville KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992
Drawing on information from demographers, economists, ecologists, and sociologists, Bratton argues that individuals should use Christian values when dealing with the regulation of human population.
Spirit & Nature, with Bill Moyers
Catalog #: VEM 077 Production: VHS. 100 min. Mystic Fire Video. 1991., Format: Documentary Audience: Adults
Bill Moyers features the spiritual leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, Native American Elder Audrey Shenandoah, Protestant theologian Sallie McFague, professor of Jewish History Rabbi Ismar Schorsch, professor of Islamic Studies Seyyed Hossein Nasr, and professor of Social Ethics J. Ronald Engel. With music by the Paul Winter consort.
At Middlebury College in Vermont, representatives of major world religions join the community to wrestle with the challenge of the deepening global environmental crisis. They address the ethical and spiritual aspects of our ecological concerns by raising issues of responsibility for each other and for the species on the planet, our interrelationship with other parts of the cosmos, and the need to see nature as sacred.
Spirit of Fire: The Life and Vision of Teilhard de Chardin
Author: Ursula King
Publisher: Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1996
Teilhard de Chardin, a 20th-century Jesuit priest and paleontologist, is a favorite theologian of contemporary notables such as Al Gore, Mario Cuomo, Marshall McCluhan, and cyberguru John Perry Barlow. Cuomo has said, “Teilhard made negativism a sin. He taught us how the whole universe–even pain and imperfection–is sacred.” Ursula King, in Spirit of Fire: The Life and Vision of Teilhard de Chardin, has written an accessible, entertaining, and lavishly illustrated biography of Teilhard. His writings were all but ignored during his lifetime, but now serve as a lifeline for people of faith struggling to define divine imperatives for ecological responsibility and technological engagement.
Lavishly illustrated with photos and selections from Teilhard’s writing, this is the biography of this century’s most fascinating religious figures. This is the ideal introduction to the life and thought of this modern Catholic mystic whose powerful vision and life-affirming spirituality speak even more vitally to the concerns of our time.
Spirit of the Sound
Catalog #: VEM 024 Production: VHS. 60 min. WNET-TV New Zealand. 1993. PBS Nature Series
Format: Documentary Audience: General, HOME USE ONLY
Explore’s Puget Sound, one of the richest wildlife habitats in North America. Includes footage of harbor seals, salmon, bird migrations, and underwater life.
Spiritual Ecology: A Guide to Reconnecting with Nature
Author: Jim Nollman
Publisher: New York: Bantam Books, 1990
An optimistic handbook on how to reconnect with the ancient spiritual ecology of the Earth, foster health, and employ resources practically and effectively to reverse environmental degradation and decline.
Stories in the Land: A Place-based Environmental Education Anthology
Author: John Elder
Publisher:Great Barrington MA: The Orion Society, 1998
Stories in the Land is an excellent handbook for teachers who wish to explore place-based learning with their students. Through a series of 11 chapters, each authored by a different elementary, secondary, or college level educator and each containing an essay and an activity, the book outlines strategies for developing a deep understanding of natural and human communities.
Sustainability, Economics, Ecology, and Justice
Author: Cobb, John B., Jr..
Publisher: Orbis Books, Maryknoll (1992)
This book, a collection of essays written over a ten-year period, is an approachable treatment of the economic and environmental linkages explored in For the Common Good.
Sustaining the Common Good; A Christian Perspective on the Global Economy
Author: John B. Cobb, Jr.
Publisher: Cleveland OH: Pilgrim Press, 1994
This book is an analysis of the assumptions of the economic theory on which the current global economy is based and of the dramatic increase in poverty for most of the world to which the global economy has led. It offers alternative approaches for less wealth but more justice and a sustainable life for the earth. 131 pages.
Teaching Kids to Love the Earth; Sharing a Sense of Wonder: 186 Outdoor Activities for Parents and Other Teachers
Author: Marina Lachecki Herman
Publisher: Duluth MN: Pfeifer-Hamilton Publications. 1991
Tending the Garden: Essays on the Gospel and the Earth
Author: Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
Publisher: Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1987
“Tending the Garden” calls the church back to its biblical and theological roots so that it may understand freshly its task of stewardship. Rich in biblical insight and creative theological work, the book examines the relationship of God, humanity, and all creation. The author’s goal is to develop a specifically biblical environmental ethic, not merely to lend unqualified support to the increasingly popular cultural ethic to preserve the earth.
The Better World Handbook
Authors: Ellis Jones, Ross Haenfler, Brett Johnson.
Publisher: New Society Publishers
You don’t have to be an activist to make a difference in the world– this book features small changes that can make a big difference! If you care deeply about the state of the world but don’t have the time or energy to devote your whole life to a good cause, then this book is for you… It’s the essential guide for busy people who care about making the world a better place but don’t know exactly where to begin.
Purchase from Amazon: The Better World Handbook : From Good Intentions to Everyday Actions
Purchase the latest version: The Better World Handbook: Small Changes That Make A Big Difference
The Body of God: An Ecological Theology
Author: Sallie McFague
Publisher: Minneapolis WI: Fortress Press,1993
McFague, a mother of modern eco-theology, gives a broad overview of “the ecological crisis,” as well as her interpretation and revision of a time-honored, Christian theology that has the strength to confront the crisis.
The Car and the City; 24 Steps to Safe Streets and Healthy Communities
Author: Alan Thein Durning
Publisher: Seattle WA: Northwest Environment Watch, 1996
Many people recognize that the increasing number of automobiles is choking our cities–polluting our air, endangering our streets, and isolating us from our communities. This book shows how resurgent cities could make cars work again, and even solve problems ranging from oil wars to urban decay, rising seas to violent crime. Not just an analytic approach to economic and environmental urban concerns, The Car and the City is an offbeat journey through three great metropolises. Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver–by car, train, bicycle, and foot. It’s a fascinating conversation with people who are quietly, but radically, rearranging the furniture of the modern city.
The Christian Faith and the Ecological Crisis
Author: Alvin Pitcher
Publisher: Chelan, WA: Holden Village, 1991
While on a nine month sabbatical at Holden Village, Alvin Pitcher, studied the environmental issues of the late 1980s. The writings contained in “The Christian Faith and the Ecological Crisis” represent his personal journey, always oriented toward making up his mind about what the issues are and what might be done about them by an ordinary lay member of a church or any ordinary citizen. While the writings are heavily influence by his own Christian convictions and by definite intellectual decisions about economic and political theory and practice, they are meant to address a broad audience who might not share some of these convictions.
Part I: Preface and Introductory Essays, Part II: On Listening to the Creation, Part III: The Ecological Crisis and Our Social Institutions, Part IV: Responses to the Ecological Crisis, Part V: Theology and the Ecological Crisis, Part VI: Conclusion, Part VII: On Preaching In the Context of the Ecological Crisis
The Consumer Society
Editors: Neva R. Goodwin, Frank Ackerman, and David Kiron
Publisher: Washington DC: Island Press, 1997
The developed countries, particularly the United States, consume a disproportionate share of the world’s resources, yet high and rising levels of consumption do not necessarily lead to greater satisfaction, security, or well-being, even for affluent consumers.
The Consumer Society provides brief summaries of the most important and influential writings on the environmental, moral, and social implications of a consumer society and consumer lifestyles. Each section consists of ten to twelve summaries of critical writings in a specific area, with an introductory essay that outlines the state of knowledge in that area and indicates where further research is needed. Sections cover:
• Scope and Definition
• Consumption in the Affluent Society
• Family, Gender, and Socialization
• The History of Consumerism
• Foundations of Economic Theories of Consumption
• Critiques and Alternatives in Economic Theory
• Perpetuating Consumer Culture: Media, Advertising, and Wants Creation
• Consumption and the Environment
• Globalization and Consumer Culture
• Visions of an Alternative
This book is the second volume in the Frontiers in Economic Thought series, which provides surveys of the most significant writings in emergent areas of economics-an invaluable aid in fast-growing fields where genuine new ground is being broken. The series brings together economists, sociologists, psychologists, and philosophers to develop analyses that challenge and enrich the dominant neoclassical paradigm.
The Consumer Society is an essential guide to and summary of the literature of consumption and will be of interest to anyone concerned with the deeper economic, social, and ethical implications of consumerism.
The Consumer’s Guide to Effective Environmental Choices
Authors: Michael Brower & Warren Leon
Publisher: Three Rivers Press (1999)
Paper or plastic? Bus or car? Old house or new? Cloth diapers or disposables? Some choices have a huge impact on the environment; others are of negligible importance. To those of us who care about our quality of life and what is happening to the earth, this is a vastly important issue. In these pages, the Union of Concerned Scientists help inform consumers about everyday decisions that significantly affect the environment.
The Consuming Passion: Christianity and the Consumer Culture
Editor: Rodney Clapp
Publisher: Downer’s Grove IL: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Nothing may influence and affect the faith of Christians in the Western, “developed” world so much as consumerism. Theologians and biblical scholars have often pondered the dangers and the privileges of money. But few have focused on consumption as culture or a way of life, complete with its own set of attitudes, behaviors and purposes for living.
The Consuming Passion does just that, relying on insightful theologians, psychologists, sociologists, ecologists and economists to probe beneath and better understand what makes consumer culture work.
The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution
Author: Merchant, Carolyn.
Publisher: Harper and Row (1983)
Merchant traces the development of attitudes toward women and nature in Western philosophical and religious traditions. A germinal eco-feminist work.
The Earth is God’s: A Theology of American Culture
Author: William A. Dyrness
Publisher: Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1997.
William Dyrness, who teaches theology at Fuller Theological Seminary, provides an evangelical, relational, and trinitarian rethinking of divine creation and concepts of culture in response to issues of identity, ecology, and aesthetics. Why include aesthetics? Because artistic creation provides ways to understand, criticize, praise, and even steward the gifts poured out in divine creation-albeit a creation in travail, owing to the effects of sin and to some Christians’ acquiescence to the economic and environmental practices of their surrounding cultures.
The Earth is the Lord’s: Christians and the Environment
Editors: Richard D. Land and Louis A. Moore
Publisher: Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1992.
Combining the traditionally conservative issue of religion with the traditionally liberal issue of protecting the environment is a difficult task. Land does it well in this book and provides an introduction for those interested in protecting the environment from a Christian standpoint.
The Environment
Author: Larry Dunlap-Berg
Publisher: Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994.
An adult curriculum for environmentally-focused bible study.
The Episcopal Church and the Environmental Crisis
A Call for Religious Leadership to Protect God’s Creation. A Report Submitted to the 117th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark.
Author: Environmental Task Force, Diocese of Newark
Publisher: Newark NJ: Episcopal Diocese of Newark, 1991.
“In response to a rising outcry of voices expressing concern for the deteriorating state of the Earth, Bishop John S. Spong created this Task Force on the Environment in order to report on the crucial evidence at hand and ‘to present resolutions for debate at the next Episcopal Diocesan Convention in January, 1991.'”
The Episcopal Church in Communion with Creation: Policy and Action
Publisher: New York: Episcopal Church Center, 1990.
The 1988 meeting of the General Convention in Detroit adopted Res. D126a regarding the “global environment.” That resolution requested, among other things, that the Executive Council “give high priority” to the development of a “statement of policy and plan of action regarding stewardship of the global environment,” and that any such policy and plan “be presented to the (1991) General Convention for approval.” This resolution of the council is intended to carry out this responsibility. Moreover, it has been adopted in the light of a changing perception in the Anglican Communion, as well as other denominations, that the Church’s approach to environmental issues should entail a broad view of the relationship between the environmental and creation. It has been adopted after prayerful study of and reflection upon the numerous materials that have been made available for its guidance.
The Good Rain: Across Time and Terrain in The Pacific Northwest
Author: Timothy Egan
Publisher: New York NY: Vintage Books. Random House, Inc. 1990.
The Pacific Northwest, with its giant trees, fascinating coastline, mighty Columbia River, and not-always-dormant volcanoes, has inspired a number of personal narratives. In this book New York Times reporter Egan interweaves personal experiences and conversations with observations of nature and historical information. He travels through Washington, Oregon, and southern Vancouver, following the route taken by an earlier traveler, Theodore Winthrop, 150 years ago. A conservationist ethic pervades the book; Egan discusses major problems such as the cutting of the forests.
The Great Warming
A sweep around the world to reveal how a changing climate is affecting the lives of people everywhere. It includes comments from scientists and opinion-makers about America’s lack of leadership in what is certainly the most critical environmental issue of the 21st century, as well as new scenes documenting the emerging voice of the American Evangelical community urging action on climate change. Starring Keanu Reeves and Alanis Morissette.
The Green Sanctuary Handbook: Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Religious Buildings and Grounds
Author: Rachel Stark, Robert Murphy, Brian Reddington
Publisher: Boston: Ecospirit New England, 1991
The Seventh Principle Project was established in 1991 by a group of Unitarian Universalists committed to finding ways to live their faith in a more ecologically sustainable way. With EcoSpirit New England, SPP founders published the Green Sanctuary Handbook as a resource for members to accomplish this goal.
The Greening of Faith
The Greening of Faith: Program Two: Ethics, is one of two videos which explore the religious dimensions of caring for the earth. Theologians and environmentalists offer helpful ecumenical perspectives on one of the most pressing and exciting areas of faith and ethics. Topics explored include the environment and justice, the extension of ethical obligation beyond the human species and the unique role the Church can play in the formation of attitudes and the enabling of change. Cathedral Films and Video. 27 minutes, 1993
The Greening of Protestant Thought
Author: Robert Booth Fowler
Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press (1995)
The Greening of Protestant Thought traces the increasing influence of environmentalism on American Protestantism since the first Earth Day… Robert Booth Fowler explores the extent to which ecological concerns permeate Protestant thought and examines contemporary controversies within and between mainline and fundamentalist Protestantism over the Bible’s teachings about the environment.
Purchase from Amazon: The Greening of Protestant Thought
The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos: Humanity and the New Story
Author: Brian Swimme
Publisher: Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1996.
Following the most recent scientific discoveries about the birth of the universe, this text shows how these new insights replace outmoded ways of seeing the world, bridging the chasm between science and spirituality, the physical realm and the soul. This book will help readers to grasp the larger significance of the human enterprise in this evolving universe.
The Holy Web: Church and the New Universe Story
Author: Cletus Wessels
Publisher: Orbis Books
The Holy Web offers entree to the world revealed by contemporary science and the difference the new models or our life on earth make to understanding Christianity. The author shows how the church’s mission is to become and to nurture a dynamic “web of relationships” in which all humanity can find itself part of a wondrous whole.
Purchase from Amazon: The Holy Web: Church and the New Universe Story
The Hymn of the Sun
Author: St. Francis of Assisi
Publisher: Rhinebeck, NY: Broken Glass Inc./Lancaster Productions, 1990
The first illustrated edition of St. Francis of Assisi’s poem, “The Hymn of the Sun.” A wonderful book for children and adults of all ages. Adults and children alike will marvel at the glorious color illustrations by Tony Wright depicting the animals’ flowing detail of movement.
The Lord’s House: A Guide to Creation Careful Management of Church Facilities
Author: Frederick W. Krueger
Publisher: Lancaster PA: The Green Cross, 1995.
Practical advice on energy efficiency, landscaping and church grounds, and new purchases.
The Love of Nature and the End of the World
Author: Shierry Weber Nicholsen
Publisher: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002
This book is a gathering of meditations and collages. Its evocations of our emotional attachment to the natural world and the emotional impact of environmental deterioration are meant to encourage individual and collective reflection on a difficult dilemma. Nicholsen draws on work in environmental philosophy and ecopsychology.
The Next One Hundred Years
Full Title: The Next One Hundred Years: Shaping the Fate of Our Living Earth
Author: Jonathan Weiner
Publisher: Bantam Books
The Next One Hundred Years is a…totally absorbing look at the prospects for life on Planet Earth, at the latest and most complex stage of evolution.It brings all the basic evidence together for the first time. We see One World in the deepest sense: the human species as one among millions of species, interwoven, for better or worse, into a vast living system, a superorganism. We see the sciences increasingly mobilized in an all-out effort to assure the survival of the whole.”
Purchase from Amazon: The Next One Hundred Years
The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God
Author: Rupert Sheldrake
Publisher: Bantam Books, 1991
An iconoclast scientist takes a penetrating look at the regenerative power or nature and offers his own controversial theory of a living earth, “Gaia,” that is far from its “end.”
The Shaping of Enviornmentalism in America
Author: Victor B. Scheffer
Publisher: University of Washington Press
Victor Scheffer writes of a social revolution. Environmentalism began as a revelation that the resources supporting life are limited and that men and women can–if they act wisely and soon–reduce their material demands and their numbers before limits are reached and the richness of human existence is diminished forever. The revelation grew into a revolution driven by morality of life or death for the human race.
Purchase from Amazon: The Shaping of Environmentalism in America
The Travail of Nature: The Ambiguous Ecological Promise of Christian Theology
Author: Santmire, H. Paul.
Publisher: Fortress Press (1985)
In his germinal work, Santmire explores how Christian theologians and church figures, through the centuries, have thought about nature. This important book, at times heavy theologically, is one of the few books that present a broad historical overview of a Christian theology of nature.
The Trees’ Birthday: A Celebration of Nature
Author: Ellen Bernstein
Publisher: Philadelphia: Turtle River Press, 1988.
Ellen Bernstein founded Shomrei Adamah, the first national Jewish environmental organization, and is the author of The Splendor of Creation: A Biblical Ecology. She teaches and is developing a program in Judaism and Ecology at Hebrew College.
Theology and Public Policy: The Ethics of Population, Consumption and Environment
Author: Churches’ Center for Theology and Public Policy
Publisher: Washington DC: Churches’ Center for Theology and Public Policy, 1996.
Theology for Earth Community: A Field Guide
Editor: Dieter T. Hessel
Publisher: Maryknoll NY: Orbis. 1996.
This volume brings together original essays by both seasoned professionals and emerging scholars who examine state-of-the-art scholarship and pedagogy in ecologically-alert theology. Authors assess what various theologians have to offer, and draw implications for reshaping religious and environmental studies, as well as preparing the next generations of church leaders or pastoral workers. What needs to be done, these authors ask, to bring biblical studies, systematics, social ethics, practical theology, spiritual formation, and liturgy up to speed with eco-justice thought and action on environmental questions?
Thomas Berry: Dreamer of the Universe
Catalog #: VEM 055 Production: VHS. 60 minutes. First Run Features Home Video, 1994. Format: Documentary Audience: Adults
An intimate conversation with Father Thomas Berry, one of the great spiritual thinkers. Father Berry is “the most provocative figure among this new breed of eco-theologians.”
Tis a Gift to Be Simple: Embracing the Freedom of Living with Less
Authors: Barbara DeGrote-Sorensen and David Allen Sorensen
Publisher: Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1992.
This simple book shares the authors’ experience and their discovery of the value of uncluttering their lives through the choice of simplicity. They discuss the dangers and pitfalls of their new lifestyle, especially the need to make judgments and the implications in many areas of life, such as food, shelter, raising children, and community. They offer concrete guidance, including six weeks of brief scripture passages for reflection. Suggestions are given for telling the difference between needs and wants, using time and money wisely, relaxing more, enjoying family and friends, eating healthier food, conserving the earth’s resources, and sorting through priorities.
To Heal the Earth: A Theology of Ecology
Author: Frederick Quinn
Publisher: Upper Room Books (1994)
To Heal the Earth sets environmental reflection and ecological concern within the framework of biblical scholarship, drawing from both the Old and New Testaments and the works of early church forebears. This unique combination of theological underpinning and ecological truth is masterfully interwoven throughout the book as the author shares from his wealth of story and church liturgy.
Purchase on Amazon: To Heal the Earth: A Theology of Ecology
To Till and to Tend: A Guide to Jewish Environmental Study and Action
Author: Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
Publisher: New York, NY: Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, 1994.
The Jewish community is presented here with a three-part challenge to accept environmental activism as a practical and a spiritual obligation:
(1) scientific fact sheets, with what-you-can-do sidebars;
(2) essays on Jewish environmental teachings;
(3) nineteen hands-on programs and activities for every age group.
To Till It and Keep it: New Models for Congregational Involvement with the Land
Author: Dan Guenthner
Publisher: Osceola, WI: Dan Guenthner, 1995.
In congregation-supported agriculture, church members purchase shares of a farm and receive a portion of the produce grown on that farm. This innovative arrangement allows CSA participants and the farmer to share the risks, benefits, and joys of being more directly involved in the food-production process. The Environmental Stewardship and Hunger Education Office funded the publication of To Till It and Keep It, a book by Wisconsin CSA farmer Dan Guenthner which explains CSA’s and their benefits.
Together in the Garden
Catalog #: VEM 014 Production: VHS. 20 min. World Council of Churches, 1991. Format: Documentary Audience: General
A pre- Earth Summit look at what the church’s role should be in relation to global survival. This video provides groups in your church with a challenging message concerning their responsibility for the future. Voices and experiences from around the world are shared that give direction for how Christians can make their witness in the search for healing the earth, building justice, and sustaining life for the future.
What is the role and voice of the churches? How do we see the contributions of Christians throughout the world to this challenge of global survival? Can the church offer its vision and commitment to the justice, peace, and the integrity of creation?
Toward Sustainable Communities; A Curriculum to Teach Environmental Justice, Sustainability, and Theology within Christian Churches
Author: Michael W. Schut
Publisher: Eugene OR: University of Oregon, 1993.
Curriculum for teaching environmental justice, sustainability, and theology within Christian churches.
Toxic Waste and Race in the United States
Author: Commission on Racial Justice, UCC
Publisher: New York: Public Data Access, 1987.
Toxic Waste and Race (the crucial, 1987 United Church of Christ’s Commission for Racial Justice’s report) showed race to be the most significant factor when siting hazardous waste facilities, nationwide. In commenting to a group of religious leaders, Nsedu Obot of the Children’s Environmental Health Network said, “These people [living in communities of color and/or of low-income] cannot just get up and move out of their houses. Plus a lot of people might not even know they’re being harmed. A lot of these things aren’t seen for ten, twenty years down the road.”
Using God’s Resources Wisely: Isaiah and Urban Possibility
Author: Walter Brueggemann
Publisher: Louisville KY: Westminster/John Knox, 1993
New and different readings of biblical texts are one consequence of a growing awareness of the environmental crisis and how it relates to social relations, especially in urban settings. Brueggemann explores readings from Isaiah an dhow they relate to the environment and urban crisis. He approaches the readings as an artistic-theological history of the city of Jerusalem — a case study of urban environmental crisis that resulted from a lost sense of covenantal neighborliness. Brueggemann divides the book into three parts and reflects on Jerusalem: its failure, demise, and prospect. Brueggemann uncovers some alarming parallels in today’s urban crises adn offers a demanding but hopeful challenge to faith. This resource is an excellent tool for Bible study groups and pastors who are concerned with our current urban situation.
Using God’s World: in Christian Education
Author: Elaine M. Ward
Publisher: Brea CA: Educational Ministries, 1987
Voluntary Simplicity
Author: Duane Elgin
Publisher: Harper Collins (1993)
Voluntary Simplicity is not about living in poverty; it is about living with balance. This book illuminates the pattern of changes that an increasing number of people around the world are making in their everyday lives-adjustments in day-to-day living that are an active, positive response to the complex dilemmas of our time. By embracing a lifeway of voluntary simplicity – characterized by ecological awareness, frugal consumption, and personal growth – people can change their lives. And in the process, they have the power to change the world.
Wake Up, Dorothy! A Hunger Education Resource
Catalog #: VEM 011 Production: VHS. 17 min. Format: Documentary Audience: Youth
Inner city youths narrate in rap-like fashion an exploration of their relationship to the urban environment, coming to a realization of the call of Christian stewardship.
Watching the Whales
Catalog #: VEM 025 Production: VHS. 30 min. Marine Mammal Fund, 1985. Format: Documentary Audience: General. HOME USE ONLY
Spend a half hour with some of the most fascinating animals on earth – whales and dolphins.
Included are Common Dolphins, Spinner Dolphins, Spotted Dolphins, Whitebeak Dolphins, Pilot Whales, Killer Whales, Gray Whales, Humpback Whales, and Blue Whales.
Water You Doing?
Catalog #: VEM 002 Production: VHS. 1 tape, with manual. Seattle Drainage and Wastewater Utility, 1992. Format: Educational Audience: Children
Middle school curriculum on water quality prepared by Seattle Drainage and Wastewater Utility. Includes manual.
We are God’s People: Stories of Faith for the Family of God
Author: Betsy Beckman, Lisa von Stamwitz, and Jeanne Cotter
Publisher: Chicago: GIA Publications, 1996
Through this performance piece the prophetic voice of our children has a chance to be heard by the whole family of God. In this script we find children’s own stories of faith woven together with song and gesture into a celebration of lie. These heart-felt stories and vignettes reflect children’s experience of God, themselves, and their world. They are children’s own words of struggle with grief, illness, divorce, and violence as well as expressions of joy in new life, hope, love, and reconciliation.
Children present their stories in the form of readers’ theater. Their reflections are threaded together and connected to our larger Christian story through the themes of the Psalms. These musical settings of the Psalms are texts from the Lectionary for Masses with Children. Prayerful gestures are joined to the communally sung refrains, offering performers and audience members an opportunity to actively respond to the rich message our children bear.
The stories provided are from children ages 3 to 17. Performers can vary in age, as well, or all be the same age and able to read. Included in this package is a tool that can be used to gather reflections from children in your own school or parish. Using this script as a flexible guide, new stories can be incorporated into this performance piece so that each celebration can reflect the unique life of your own community.
Where the Dragon Meets the Angry River: Nature and Power in the People’s Republic of China
Author: R. Edward Grumbine.
Publisher: Island Press (2010)
For teacher and author Grumbine, visiting China’s Yunan Province was an eye opener; as an expert on environmental issues, his concern over U.S. “protected area policies” had shielded him from far more profound problems abroad, especially the potential conflict between renewable energy development and biodiversity protection among the “88 percent of the world’s humans who lack electricity, potable drinking water, basic education and healthcare.” Though they’ve already built more dams than any other country, China’s plan to build 13 new ones on three Himalayan rivers will have a huge impact on Yunan, a biological paradise home to orchids, snow leopards, fifteen species of primates and more. With much information on Beijing’s efforts to reach an equitable solution, Grumbine’s careful reconsideration of world conservation efforts is an important read for policy makers and grass-roots advocates.
Whose World Is It?; Responding to God’s Covenant with the Earth
Author: George H. Kehm
Publisher: Louisville KY: Presbyterian Church (USA), 1991
Wisdom of the Earth: Visions of an Ecological Faith
Author: Gordon Miller
Publisher: Green Rock Press (1997)
Combining passionate ecological texts from ancient Christian writers with sixty brilliant color photographs of the natural world, this book provides both food for the soul and a feast for the eyes. Arranged chronologically, Part One is devoted to the Scriptural roots of creation-centered faith. Part Two presents the earth-oriented themes of five Fathers of the church–Irenaeus, Basil of Caesarea, John Chrysostom, Augustine, and John of Damascus–from the second through the eighth century A.D.
Purchase from Amazon: Wisdom of the Earth: Visions of an Ecological Faith
Women Healing Earth; Third World Women on Ecology, Feminism, and Religion
Author: Rosemary Radford Ruether, editor
Publisher: Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1996
In Women Healing Earth, noted theologian Rosemary Radford Ruether brings together illuminating writings of fourteen Latin American, Asian, and African women on the meaning of eco-theological issues in their own contexts – and the implications they have for women in teh first world.
Worldviews and Ecology; Religion, Philosophy, and the Environment
Author: Mary Evelyn Tucker and John A. Grim, editors
Publisher: Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1994
The original writings of Worldviews and Ecology creatively present and interpret worldviews of major religious and philosophical traditions on how humans can live more sustainably on a fragile planet. Contributors include Charlene Spretnak, Larry Rasmussen, noel Brown, Jay McDaniel, Tu Wei-Ming, Thomas Berry, David Ray Griffin, J. Baird Callicott, Eric Katz, Roger E. Timm, Robert A. White, Christopher Key Chapple, Brian Swimme, Brian Brown, Michael Tobias, Ralph Metzner, George Sessions, and Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim.
Insights from traditions as diverse as Jain, Jewish, ecofeminist, deep ecology, Christian, Hindu, Baha’i, and Whiteheadian will interest all who seek an honest analysis of what religious and philosophical traditions have to say to a modernity whose consciousness and conscience seems tragically narrow, the source of attitudes that imperil the biosphere.
Your Money or Your Life: A Group Study Guide for Contemporary Christians
To be used with the book “Your Money or Your Life” by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin.
Produced by the New Road Map Foundation. 1996.
If Jesus returned to Earth and paid us a visit, what might he think of the way we live? Would he see us as responsible and compassionate stewards of creation? Contemporary Christians face a major challenge: aligning their everyday actions in the realm of money with their deepest values. This study guide was created in response to hundreds of requests form church members and clergy who had already discovered for themselves the power of the program in “Your Money or Your Life.”
This course consists of six weekly sessions plus a follow-up meeting after you’ve completed a second month of implementing the steps. Everyone in the group needs to have their own copy of “Your Money or Your Life” and this study guide.
Your Money or Your Life; Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence
Author: Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin
Publisher: Seattle, WA: New Road Map Foundation, 1996
There’s a big difference between “making a living” and making a life. Do you spend more than you earn? Does making a living feel more like making a dying? Do you dislike your job but can’t afford to leave it? Is money fragmenting your time, your relationships with family and friends? If so, Your Money or Your Life is for you.
Your Will Be Done on Earth: Eco-Spirituality Activities for 12-15 Year-olds
Author: Jenkins, Christie L.
Publisher: San Jose: Resource Publications, 1993
Eighteen easy-to-follow lesson plans combine theology and science to provide background information, activity ideas, and photocopiable handouts on issues such as habitat and species loss, animal rights, environmental degradation, and global warming. To order, go to Resource Publications, Inc.’s website.